October 12, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Benefits provided by the OAED Unemployment Card are listed

It seems that the time has come when the OAED Employment Agency decided to change its policy regarding the unemployed. Benefits and “bonuses” are listed for those who have an unemployed card.

In particular, this applies to scoring in ASEP announcements, public works programs and more. Officially unemployed on public transport OASA free travel is provided.

Unemployed persons registered with the OAED are eligible to participate in programs that indicate the level of unemployment as a criterion for inclusion in public works programs, as well as the possibility of participating in social protection programs such as “Social Tourism” and “Camp Program” Πρόγραμμα).

With the assistance of the OAED-EFKA, medical and pharmaceutical assistance (Ιατροφαρμακευτική Περίθαλψη) is provided to the unemployed up to the age of 29, as well as sickness benefits to the unemployed aged 29 to 55, as well as to long-term unemployed persons aged 55 and over .

Radical changes: the unemployed may be excluded from the OAED register

The Department of Labor is also studying implementation of a mandatory job search measure. This means that every unemployed person, if he be offered either a job or a training program three times and he turns it down, will be automatically excluded from the OAED register of unemployed and, consequently, will be left without benefits and benefits.

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