The young man attempted to rob a gambling agency in Menidi, but ran into an angry employee who was angry...
On the night of August 28, in the capital's Neos Kosmos district, group attacks with the purpose of robbery took...
The 42-year-old man was arrested after his fifth robbery of a store in the center of Thessaloniki and was found...
MEGA channel presented to the public a video of the actions of brazen robbers in one of the private houses...
The criminals, hiding their facial features and holding in their hands Kalashnikov assault riflesamea razor blade and a sledgehammer, entered...
The former model was robbed at noon on Monday (22/07) on one of the main streets of Glyfada, with the...
The actions of the robbers were recorded frame-by-frame by a video surveillance camera in one of the minimarkets in Thessaloniki....
A well-known Russian man classified as a “dangerous” criminal is wanted by police for shooting at a minimarket in the...
Police have launched a manhunt to arrest the perpetrator of a bloody attack on a mini market that took place...
A Bulgari store was robbed in Rome, and a gang of robbers did it in pure Hollywood style. In just...
An unusual robbery took place in the Principality of Monaco - the criminal pretended to be an old man and,...
On Saturday morning, two robbers, believed to be foreigners, broke into a house located in Doris (Arcadia). So that they...