April 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

ΟΑΕΔ: "cleaning" register of the unemployed – who will be excluded

The tidying up of the register of the unemployed, with the introduction of strict criteria and leaving the current registered in it, is included in the bill on ΟΑΕΔ.

The bill, which added provisions for a liquidation (“cleansing”) process, was submitted to the Greek Parliament for consideration.

ΟΑΕΔ officially renamed the State Employment Service (Δημόσια Υπηρεσία Απασχόλησης, ΔΥΠΑ).

All proposals for the application of penalties (up to exclusion from the register of ΟΑΕΔ) are made if unemployed person does not accept three consecutive offers of job counselors (two-year exemption) or refuses to attend training (six-month exemption).

There is also a corresponding penalty (exemption for six months) if the unemployed is trained, but does not receive the necessary certification.

Along with these provisions, there are others related to housing policy. From now on, the reserve existing from contributions to the former OEK (approximately 2 billion euros) can be used, by decision of the board, for the needs of the ΟΑΕΔ in a broader sense.

Specifically, the main changes to the bill are as follows:

  • Creation of a digital register of the unemployed.
  • With the help of employment consultants, a digital individual action plan is drawn up for each unemployed person. First of all, those who have not worked for more than five years are included.who are provided with a one-time allowance of 300 euros for the preparation of such a plan.
  • Income criteria are set for allowances, assistance or benefits (with the exception of unemployment benefits). The limit is €14,000 per year for individual income and €20,000 for family income. For each child, a “threshold” of 3,000 euros is added.
  • If an unemployed person refuses three job offers on the basis of a digital individual action plan, then he is removed from the register for two years.
  • If an unemployed person refuses to participate in a vocational training program offered by ΔΥΠΑ, then he will be removed from the register for six months.
  • The concept of an applicant is introduced.
  • Unemployment benefits still half paid those who find work within 12 months (work subsidy). That is, when a citizen registered in the ΟΑΕΔ register after dismissal begins to receive full allowance for unemployment. It is noted that, based on the latest comparable data for January of this year, the difference between the unemployed ELSTAT (587,152 people) and registered unemployed ΟΑΕΔ (1,112,551 people) is 525,399 people.

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