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Insomnia: Ten Foods to Avoid

According to experts, one of the key components of restful sleep is a balanced blood sugar level.

Do not eat bananas, do not drink coffee and, of course, do not overeat at night. These are tips that most of us have probably heard. But are they true?

Blood glucose level

If your blood sugar levels are at a good level throughout the day, you are more likely to get quality and restful sleep. It rises during sleep, usually between 4 and 8 am (this is called the dawn effect). A diet that promotes stable blood sugar levels may limit the overnight rise. Below you will find a list of foods to avoid before bed.

Refined carbohydrates

Refined grain foods such as white bread, pasta, and rice are examples of refined carbohydrate sources. They are delicious, but most of their fiber is removed during processing. When food enters the stomach without fiber, blood sugar levels rise sharply. If you’re going to be eating pasta for dinner, try pairing it with a simple salad as well as a source of protein.

Sweet drinks

Drinks – a milkshake or sweetened iced tea and even fruit juice – are a “bomb” that instantly raises blood sugar. In addition, they do not help quench thirst. It is better to replace them with non-sweetened drinks such as skim milk or kefir, unsweetened almond milk, or homemade herbal tea.

fried food

Fried food and especially fast food is an easy way to skyrocket your blood sugar. Of course, no one calls fast food healthy food, but we tend to think that hamburgers and fries are only high in calories and fat. The truth is that fast foods tend to be high in sugar as well. Some popular burgers contain as much sugar as a chocolate bar!


It may seem that a cocktail, a few bottles of beer or glasses of wine help you fall asleep. However, problems with GERD and worsening sleep apnea, as well as reduced hours of sleep and deterioration in its quality, are very good reasons not to drink alcohol before bed.

High glycemic fruits

Examples are bananas, grapes and dried fruits. Of course, these are foods that can be a great snack during the day and provide the body with many vitamins and electrolytes. However Eating a large bowl of fruit, especially before bed, can cause your blood glucose levels to spike. In addition, fruits are acidic, which means that they can cause heartburn when you’re trying to sleep.

Whole milk

The dietary fats found in whole milk take a long time to digest. It’s useful for balancing blood sugar levels throughout the day, but not ideal before bed. That’s why avoid very fatty cheeses and dairy products in the evening. The exception is low-calorie yogurt, which contains nutrients such as calcium, vitamin B12, potassium, and probiotics that improve digestion while you sleep.


In addition to coffee or tea, there are many products that contain traces of caffeine – ice cream and desserts with matte, espresso and coffee, coffee ice cream, tiramisu, etc. Many of these desserts can act as stimulants. So it is better to enjoy such treats in the morning.

acidic foods

Acidic foods – tomatoes and citrus fruits – can irritate the stomach lining and raise the acidic pH level in the body. It causes indigestion, heartburn and acid reflux, and can affect sleep quality.

Although chocolate, especially dark chocolate, is good for health, it contains a compound called theobromine, which belongs to the same family of compounds as caffeine and acts on the body in a similar way. So give preference to chocolate as a dessert in the morning.

Soy sauce

Fermented soy products contain one of the highest amounts of tyramine. Foods such as soy sauce, tofu, miso, and even teriyaki sauce should be avoided a few hours before bedtime. Tyramine can increase brain activity and possibly cause insomnia.

While garlic has a very high concentration of allicin (a compound that can naturally help the mind relax), it is also a gastrointestinal stimulant. For most people, it is best to avoid large amounts in the evening. In addition, garlic increases the production of saliva and gastric juice.

Both raw and cooked onions tend to affect the pressure inside the stomach as they pass through the digestive system. This fact can lead to reflux (belching), which is even worse when we lie down. So it is better to replace the onion with fennel, leek or cabbage during dinner.

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