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10+1 Facts About Dreams You Didn’t Know

The dreams that most of us have every night are some of the most mysterious and interesting experiences in our lives.

In the Roman era, some dreams were submitted for discussion and interpretation even to the Roman Senate, while there were many who argued that what we see in a dream is the message of the gods writes

Dream interpreters accompanied military leaders in battles and campaigns, and many, right up to the present, have drawn their creative ideas from dreams. But what do we really know about dreams? What are their secrets?

11 most interesting facts about dreams:

1. 90% of your dreams are forgotten as soon as you wake up.
Within 5 minutes of waking up, half of your dreams are forgotten, and within 10 minutes you don’t even remember 90% of them.

2. And the blind “see” dreams.
People who are blind after birth may see various images in their dreams. Blind from birth do not see images, but they see equally vivid dreams in which other senses are involved. For example, they hear sounds, smells, touch objects, and even experience intense mental states.

3. We all dream.
Dreams come to every person (except in cases of extreme mental disorders). If you still think you can’t see them, then experts say you’re just forgetting.

4. In dreams, we only see faces we already know.
Our minds are incapable of “inventing” faces. So in dreams we see real faces, not imaginary ones. And if something from what you see in a dream doesn’t remind you of anything, the explanation is simple: we all have seen hundreds of thousands of faces in our entire lives, but we don’t remember them. Thus we have an endless supply of symbols that the brain can “use” in dreams.

5. Not everyone sees black and white dreams.
Only 12% of people see exclusively black and white dreams, the remaining 88% – all shades! Studies from 1915 to 1950 showed that most dreams were in black and white, but these results began to change in the 1960s: Today, only 4.4% of people under the age of 25 dream in black and white.

6. Dreams are symbolic.
If a specific object is dreamed, the dream may not be about it itself – something else is symbolized through it. After all, dreams always “speak” in a deeply symbolic language.

7. Emotions.
The most common emotion that a person experiences in a dream is anxiety, and negative emotions are more common than positive ones (including erotic ones).

8. We can have 4 to 7 dreams in one night.
On average, we dream for an hour or two every night.

9. And animals dream
Studies done on many different animals show that during sleep, their brain cells function in the same way as they do in humans. Watch, for example, a dog in a dream, and you will see that its legs are twitching, as if it is chasing someone, barking strangely.

10. Penetration into sleep of external stimuli.
Our mind interprets various external stimuli that our senses receive when we sleep, and often they are part of dreams. This means that sometimes in a dream we hear a sound from reality, which somehow appears in a dream, and we think that this is our dream. For example, you may dream that you are at a concert and your brother plays the guitar while you sleep. Or you are very hot, and you dream that you are wandering through the desert under the scorching sun.

11. Men and women have different dreams.
Men tend to see other men more. About 70% of the characters present in a man’s dream are of the same gender. On the other hand, women’s dreams include an almost equal number of characters involved in them – men and women. In addition, men tend to experience more aggressive feelings in their dreams than women.

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