February 15, 2025

Athens News

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Check to see if you have a symptom too "Christmas tree"

Created by DALL·E

The Christmas tree is the hallmark of the New Year holidays. However, sometimes, in addition to gifts, it can also bring a long list of unpleasant symptoms, such as coughing, sneezing, itching and rashes, or the so-called “Christmas tree syndrome.”

The real Christmas “nightmare” begins from the moment when… a Christmas tree enters your house. In short, you may be allergic to it. Dust and 53 different types of mold(!) can be “hiding in the branches” hung with lanterns and decorations. Of all these different types, according to the Causes of Allergies and Asthma study, in 70% of cases, the installation of a Christmas tree in the home brought with it such “unwanted companions” as asthma attacks, itching, conjunctivitis, cough, runny or stuffy nose, sleep disturbances and all-consuming fatigue.

The Christmas tree is responsible for several cases of allergic rhinitis and other allergies, experts warn, due to various fungi found on the plant’s branches.

These fungi are naturally present on trees, but grow quickly in the warm environment of an apartment: within 15 days, their colony can increase sixfold! That is If you start sneezing constantly two weeks after decorating your Christmas tree, it may not be a cold that’s bothering you.and the “culprit” of the ailment is in your living room.

Of course, a real tree is more likely to cause problems than an artificial one, but even artificial ones that have been in the pantry all year contain a large amount of dust, which is released when unpacked and can cause similar symptoms.

How to Protect Yourself from Christmas Tree Syndrome

Here are some useful tips:

  • Clean the tree: Shake the tree outdoors. You can wash it with water and dry it well before installing it (use a hair dryer). It is good to carry out the cleaning process on a sunny day so that the tree dries faster and no moisture remains on it.
  • Clean decorations: Wipe down garlands, Christmas balls and all tree decorations.
  • Install an air purifier in the area where you place the tree to trap allergens before they reach your respiratory tract.

Christmas tree… alternative option

This year, you can try creating an alternative Christmas tree by hanging it on the wall. Christmas decorations are ideal for small spaces. All you need for this design are a few branches, twine, garland and, of course, your favorite decorations.


Assemble the tree as follows:

  • Place the star on top to form a pyramid.
  • Give preference to small and light decorations so that the structure does not fall (due to weight).
  • You can even place boxes wrapped in glitter paper and bows, or even your own gifts, under the tree to complete the arrangement.

Here we have presented the simplest version of an “alternative Christmas tree”. Look on the Internet and you will see a wide variety of options. Perhaps you will like some of them more than the one we offer. Happy holidays everyone!

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