May 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Countries with the highest level of alcohol consumption, position of Greece

While Americans, Germans and Brits have an entrenched drinking culture, none of the three countries can match the countries that actually suffer from the alcoholism of their citizens.

These are Latvia, Austria and even a group of islands in the South Pacific. Such is the analysis of data collected by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which analyzed the “average liter” of pure alcohol drunk by each person in 189 countries.

The Cook Islands – a group of islands in the South Pacific – topped the list where the average person consumes about 13 liters of pure alcohol a year – that’s over 100 glasses of wine, according to Britain’s Daily Mail.

The data was collected as part of the CIA’s World Factbook, a reference database that provides detailed demographic information for 266 countries.

Three of the top five countries are in Eastern Europe, the birthplace of vodka, which has one of the highest rates of alcoholism. For example more than one in 10 men in Latvia and Lithuania is addicted to alcohol. Austria, where alcohol consumption is allowed from the age of 16, closes the top five.

It is important to note that about half of Cook Islanders adults over 18 drink alcohol, and some groups drink up to 10 drinks per night. As for the UK and the US, they are in 24th and 35th place respectively. As for Greece, it is in 66th place… View list.

Bangladesh, Kuwait, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia and Somalia are at the bottom of the CIA list (0 liters per year). In Bangladesh, the consumption or sale of alcohol was banned at the time of the survey for religious reasons. However, last year the country relaxed its laws and allowed drinking (with an official license). Alcohol is still banned in Kuwait, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia and Somalia.

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