April 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The Tragedy of Joe Biden

Forcing an elderly person with progressive dementia into the role of “frontman” of the Deep State. Dozens of incidents show that the American president… is a problem for the whole world.

The mental and intellectual state of US President Joe Biden, who clearly could not and cannot perform presidential duties in the most powerful political and military organization in the world, can only be considered a tragedy. A person with progressive dementia is forced to play the role of the “front man” of the American “deep state” because that’s what it’s all about.

The Deep State knew about the dementia of the current American president, but because it did not want to face such an unruly and highly intellectual president as Trump again, in the end, it was no problem to install a person with serious mental problems for the US president.

We do not mean that Biden was born mentally retarded, but now, in his old age, he has become mentally retarded, and this is clearly shown by a series of incidents in recent months, culminating in two incidents yesterday that left everyone speechless.

Since the 2020 election, it was obvious that something was very wrong, but the American media tried to hide it and make him look like a “nice old man.” The reason was simple: “You vote because then no mistake will be recognized, and we will achieve what we want.”

As it happens, the Americans “stepped on a banana peel” by electing this man as their president, and now they are supposedly cursing the moment they did so. But the Deep State doesn’t care how ordinary Americans feel.

It should be noted that, judging by what former US President D. Trump condemned, there were other methods that led to the election of D. Biden as president. Trump believes there was a scam. In early September, he even accused T. Biden of being an “enemy of the state.” “The enemy of the state is himself and the group that controls him,” and publicly stated that the current US president is controlled by someone. Some of them are clearly content with their position.

Something is wrong in the White House, otherwise it is impossible to explain who had the bright idea four months ago to allow President Joe Biden to ride a bicycle when it is obvious that his physical condition is completely unsuitable for practicing any sport, not to mention cycling.

Biden, 79, fell off his bike as he walked towards the assembled citizens and journalists to greet them.
The saddest thing is that he fell … standing still, that is, after he stopped the bicycle, and it reminded me of scenes from films with Inspector Clouseau and Peter Sellers or Fantômas with Louis de Funes. Only we are talking about a planetary leader, not a comedy. He quickly stood up and assured that “I’m fine,” but those present remained…frozen.

“My foot got caught,” he explained the reasons for the fall and noted that he could not remove his foot from the pedal. His bodyguards rushed to his aid, but his wife Jill, who was in front, did not notice his fall and continued on her way.

Video footage of Joe Biden in early August showing him waiting for a handshake from US Senator and Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer also sparked outrage.

All this happened within five seconds during some event. Chuck Schumer is preparing to speak on the podium. Before doing so, he shakes hands with Joe Biden and then with the rest of the audience, including Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

Speaking in Washington yesterday, Biden said to an audience in the audience, “We’ve come a long way together. She was 12 and I was 30.”

In a new incident, it turned out that a person who holds a hand on a button with almost half of the world’s nuclear bombs and makes decisions about war and peace, the well-being or destruction of people, has simply gone crazy and is in progressive dementia. The scene took place in New York: after finishing his speech, he tried to get down from the podium, but could not. Lost, he tried to find his way, visibly disoriented. He tried to figure out which direction the stairs were in.

He walked slowly to the opposite side. Another speaker took the podium and Biden was still trying to get off the platform! The new speaker who took the podium said, “Mr. President, thank you,” but the unfortunate Biden wandered around the stage as if lost.

The scene lasted several minutes. According to the Daily Mail, the President of the United States tried to orient himself, pausing to look at the speaker, as if wondering: “Where am I?”.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz called the scene “terrifying” in a tweet, while his communications adviser Steve Guest added in a tweet: “Joe Biden is completely lost on stage. Scary and sad.”

The planet is going through a very difficult time and there is a dangerous leadership deficit in the US which means it is being run by someone else, someone unknown, invisible and above all, unelected.

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