April 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Nine out of ten surgeons in Greece listen to music during surgery

Music is recommended in all types of surgery, and its effectiveness is especially evident in mainly orthopedic operations. “Musical operations” are also held in Greece.

From classical and rock music to Greek folk music, it accompanies 90% of doctors during operations, helping them to better concentrate, reduce stress and increase their efficiency. Despite the beneficial properties of music, this practice is not as common among patients who, when they have the opportunity, even prefer to listen to the clarinet. in.gr.

Вышесказанным делится анестезиолог, представитель местного организационного комитета конференции и генеральный секретарь греческой секции Европейского общества регионарной анестезии и обезболивания (ESRA Hellas) Элени Мока, по случаю 39-й ежегодной конференции Ευρωπαϊκής Εταιρείας Περιοχικής Αναισθησίας και Θεραπείας Πόνου (ESRA), которая пройдет в Салониках с 22 to 25 June.

9 out of 10 surgeons listen to music

“Nine out of 10 surgeons, anesthesiologists and operating room nurses listen to music of their choice during surgery, either through a CD player or through a radio station. In this way, conditions of calmness are created, stress is reduced, their concentration is increased and working capacity is improved,” emphasizes Ms. Moka.

The benefits of music are also beneficial for patients, she said, who have the option of listening to music of their choice on headphones during surgery, although rates of this practice are very low in our country.

In what operations is music preferable?

“Music is recommended in all surgical interventions, and its effectiveness is even more evident in mainly orthopedic surgeries such as knee or hip arthroplasty, when the patient, subjected to local anesthesia, hears the sounds of the operation, which “can cause stress for him,” says expert.

In fact, research has shown that music can help reduce postoperative pain even when the patient has been under general anesthesia. According to Ms. Moka, for the above reasons, it is important to have better information and to expand the listening experience of patients during operations.

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