April 28, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

A call to Ukrainians who arrived in Greece: you are not at home

Passions around the war in Ukraine caused the situation to escalate sharply: between the Pontians living in Greece, Russians, pro-Russian Ukrainians, many of whom became refugees after the start of the war in 2014, on the one hand, and anti-Russian Ukrainians living in Greece, as well as newly arrived refugees from the other side.

Appearance symbols of the Nazi battalion Azov on the monument to the Soviet soldier in Kallithea, the situation with the beaten Pontic in Thessaloniki, attempts to “hit” the owners of the Moscow supermarket, numerous threats our editorial team, as well as scandals with students and denial of service in Russian stores, show that the heat of passion, which actively and often one-sidedly fuels the media, is gradually getting worse.

Massive arrivals in Greece now refugees from Ukrainewho, after the horrors of war, are in a borderline psychological state. Given the clear pro-Russian attitude of the Pontic Greeks, any small conflict can escalate into mass clashes and riots.

Edition jewish.ru reports that two residents of Ashdod fought over Ukraine. Both were injured. Still compatible with life. The nurse who bandaged the victims was amazed: they say, this is the first time in Israel!

Numerous videos from Moldova show the conflicts that arise between local residents and refugees from Ukraine. In this country, the most common cause of conflict is the Russian language, in which Moldovans speak with Ukrainians. So far, there are no serious conflicts, broken cars and faces do not count.

Still okay, when fighting unfamiliar people. Due to recent events, the division often goes right within one family: one is already wholeheartedly for Russia, the other is not yet completely finished. Word for word – and a new local conflict begins right in your kitchen. To avoid all this, you just need to shut up in time. But psychologists choose more correct expressions: “be wiser”, “respect someone else’s point of view”, “avoid hate speech”. It’s all complicated and sounds clerical. How, say, “respect” someone else’s point of view, when it is wrong for you, vicious, and indeed no one at all ?!

You don’t have to respect someone else’s opinion if you don’t agree with it. It is not necessary to consider the opponent as neither an enemy nor a friend. No complicated techniques or exercises are needed. Just ask yourself: will what I say or write on social networks now make our world a little better? Or will he pour a new spoonful of poison into him, throw firewood into the fire of passions? And if doubts visit you at least for a moment, they will definitely visit you! – give up your words, shut up, go into seclusion.

Ask yourself this question every time relatives start another kitchen dispute. When in line at the supermarket, someone starts to scold your favorite politician. When a neighbor climbs up to you in an elevator with agitation. When a man with a poster stands on the street, and you so want to spit in his face – these monstrous cases, alas, are not uncommon today. Be quiet. Do not write on social networks, do not break in with a sword on a horse to chop into dust the worldview of your grandmother, aunt or father. The only possible words for all of us now are words of sympathy and comfort.

The editors of the “Athenian News” calls on both sides to moderate their ardor: the Pontians, who are already ready to organize pogroms, and Ukrainianswho collect lists of traitors and enemies of Ukraine, preparing to fight with them right here in Greece (besides, such lists are completely illegal, and their authors risk being prosecuted under several articles of the Criminal Code of the Hellenic Republic at once).

Try to understand what you are no longer at home, you are in another country, in which, despite the massive propaganda being carried out in the media, they are friendly towards Russia, and this will not change quickly. Russia played a too important historical role in the emergence of this country, and the understanding of Russia as a friendly country is already firmly rooted in the genes of the Greeks.

No need to heat up the situation, calm down and live a new life in a new country for you. Otherwise the war will come here too, to Greece, and then everyone living here will become very ill. You can’t overcome it in yourself, it’s better to leave somewhere else. But don’t bring the war behind youbecause even there you will not find peace.

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