July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Chaos in Paris due to Afghan demonstration

Afghans demonstrated in Paris today to protest the deaths of three of their compatriots who reportedly “committed suicide or were killed”and blaming the French government for this.

Afghans attacked civilians, vandalized shops and cars, and clashed with police. The demonstrations were organized by two separate groups.

Afghan “asylum seekers” in Paris attack the French and cause damage to the city. Europe needs mass deportations.

The first and largest demonstration began at 14:00, with participants gathering at the Barbes metro station and then marching through the city's 10th arrondissement to Place de la République. According to the organizers, the purpose of the demonstration was to “condemn racism and Islamophobia.”

Parisian police initially banned the demonstration due to security concerns. However, this decision was subsequently overturned by an administrative court.

An army of Afghan illegal migrants invades the streets of Paris… Import the Third World, become the Third World.

A second demonstration calling for solidarity with the Haitian people took place at Place de la Bastille from 2:30 p.m. It remains unclear how many participants this action attracted.

Hundreds of Afghan migrants riot on the streets of Paris. A few days ago, three Afghan migrants were found dead in an apparent suicide. For some reason, the Afghans blame the French police.

Afghan illegal migrants wreaking havoc on the streets of Paris… is this their way of showing their gratitude?


Afghan refugees rioted in Paris today and attacked local residents to protest the death of three Afghan asylum seekers who committed suicide. They blame the French government, but instead of protesting peacefully, they ruin people's lives. It's time to arrest and deport these rebels to Afghanistan.

A group of Afghan asylum seekers caused chaos on the streets of Paris, smashing bins, throwing tables and attacking cars. Muslims should get everything they want, otherwise… This is cultural enrichment. France has 15% Muslims, which is worse than the UK's 6.7%.

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