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At the end of December 2023, a joint ministerial decision was signed in Greece to provide emergency assistance for household heating with electricity from January 1, 2024 to March 31, 2024.
In this regard, the criteria for participation in the program of beneficiaries, the amount of assistance, the procedure and conditions for its providing. The beneficiaries are estimated to be about 1.2 million people, economic adviser Yiannis Hatzisalatas told ERT.
The application must be submitted by January 19 on the MyHeating platform, that is, in the same place where applications for heating with fuel oil, wood, and pellets were submitted.
Entry process subsidy program very simple. The information we need to have is the number AFM the applicant and the number of dependent members of the household, since the size of the amount that the citizen will receive depends on this.
Your primary residence address and zip code are also required (this is important as there are areas where winters are harsher and longer).
In addition, it is necessary to indicate the status of use of the house if it is privately owned, rented, etc.
The criteria are exactly the same as those that were established for receiving subsidies for heating oil, wood and natural gas, that is, 16,000 euros for singles, 24,000 euros for married people, plus 5,000 euros for each child.
Concerning real estate, then there are property criteria. The property must not be worth more than €200,000 if it is the residence of a single person (as declared on the tax return), or €300,000 for a family.
Regarding the income criteria, for example, self-employed professionals must have less than 80,000 euros/year, and those who receive any other heating allowance, i.e. both heating oil and electricity allowance, are excluded. Also excluded beneficiaries of social accounts for households.
The subsidy size starts from 45 euros and reaches 480 euros. The subsidy period begins in the first quarter of 2024 and the money will not be transferred to a bank account, it will simply be credited to the clearing account of the supplier we have selected to electrify the site.
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