April 28, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

“King” of summer, watermelon – Turkish word

As you know, there is no Greek summer without watermelon. Cool, sweet fruit (although in fact – a berry) and with a smell that brings back to childhood, just an indispensable “thirst quencher” in the heat.

Watermelon is tasty, low-calorie, it is eaten with pleasure by both old and young. However, you are probably one of those few who do not know where its name comes from.

The etymology is: watermelon < Turkish karpuzi < Ottoman Turkish قاربوز (karpuz) < Persian خربزه (xarboze, melon). In Greek: καρπούζι < τουρκική karpuz < οθωμανική τουρκική قارپوز (karpuz) < περσική خربزه (xarboze, πεπό).

In simple words, it comes from the Turkish word karpuzi! The scientific name of the fruit is Citrullus lanatus. However, there is another Greek name for watermelon that few people know about. Watermelon in Greek means “hydropepon” (“υδροπέπων” i.e. υδρο-πεπόνι), which means “water melon”. Which corresponds to the name of watermelon in English (water-melon).

As we have already said, the word “watermelon” comes from the corresponding Turkish karpuz, and earlier from the Persian xarboz(e).

5+1 health benefits of watermelon

1. Moisturize

As mentioned above, watermelon is 90% water, which means it is very low in calories. Watermelon can protect you from dehydration. Proper hydration is very important, especially during the summer months. Thus, your body and skin, when absorbing watermelon, are saturated with life-giving moisture.

2. Prevention of diabetes

Watermelon juice helps the kidneys convert L-citrulline (an amino acid) into L-arginine (an amino acid). These two amino acids protect against diabetes. L-arginine plays an important role in the metabolism of glucose and insulin in the body.

3. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases

Lycopene is a compound found in watermelon that gives the fruits their rich color. Tomatoes also contain this compound, but its concentration is higher in watermelon than in tomatoes. Lycopene helps lower cholesterol levels and thereby reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

4. Asthma

Watermelon is an excellent source of vitamin C, which is responsible for reducing the effects of asthma, which means that watermelon helps reduce asthma symptoms. Patients with asthma and low vitamin C levels experience more severe respiratory symptoms.

5. Fight inflammation

Inflammation is the main cause of many diseases. This category includes: cardiovascular disease, cancer and fibromyalgia. The antioxidants present in watermelon help fight inflammation.

6. Kidney health

The human body is exposed to many toxins, including the foods we eat and the air we breathe. However, these toxins are excreted by the kidneys. And in order for the kidneys to be healthy and function well, it is useful to drink a glass of watermelon juice a day. The main ingredients in watermelon are calcium and potassium, which help fight toxins.

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