April 28, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

SYRIZA demands not to be admitted to church without test results

Leader of the main opposition left-wing SYRIZA party, Alexis Tsipras, announced on Wednesday that they would amend an amendment requiring a negative FAST TEST for parishioners who want to go to church.

Grocery stores, supermarkets and pharmacies from Saturday are the only places unvaccinated citizens can go without a negative Rapid or PCR test, the government announced Tuesday.

The decision to exclude churches from this list caused outrage among the supporters of SYRIZA, as, in their opinion, believers usually do not keep a safe distance and dozens of parishioners use one spoon for the sacrament. The decision was publicly supported by members of the government, who argued that faith is more important than, for example, going shopping or going to the bank.

“Religious worship is not the same as shopping,” said Development Minister Adonis Georgiadis, responding to criticism that the unvaccinated should not submit rapid test results in churches, when they should do so in restaurants and shops.

Deputy Interior Minister Stelios Petsas supported his colleague, saying that “going to church is more urgent than buying clothes.”

“It is now clear that the Mitsotakis-Pleuris-Georgiadis government cannot and does not want to deal with the pandemic seriously and responsibly,” Tsipras said. He accused the Conservative government that “his only concern is the political cost, not human lives.”

“That is why they never thought about introducing strict measures in professional and social spheres, where they do not want to conflict with their electoral clientele. That is why they are announcing measures today with selective indecision, leaving the church aside and the believers without protection. This is not the way to deal with the pandemic, ”he said.

In a tweet, Tsipras announced that SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance will amend parliament to require unvaccinated citizens to have a negative test certificate to enter places of worship.

Καταθέτουμε σήμερα τροπολογία για την επέκταση του μέτρου της επίδειξης τεστ για την είσοδο ανεμλολίαστων ελιτο ανεμλολίαστων λολικετη Την ώρα που όλοι μετράμε κρούσματα και νεκρούς, είναι αδιανόητο ο κ. Μητσοτάκης να μετράει ψήφους.# κρουσματα # ανεμβολιαστοι

– Αλέξης Τσίπρας – Alexis Tsipras (@atsipras) November 3, 2021

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