May 2, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

How the head of the coronavirus department of Kalamata hospital died

The colleagues of the deceased doctor, the head of the coronavirus department of the Kalamata hospital, are in mourning.

Nikos Grammaticopoulos went hunting and never returned home. His relatives, worried about his long absence, turned to the police. The search for a man began. And in the morning of the next day, his car was found in the Kazarmas area. Some time later, the body of a 54-year-old doctor was found nearby.

Despite the absence of obvious signs of a violent death, forensic scientist Ioannis Dusis was summoned to the scene and an autopsy was scheduled. As a result, it was established that the death of Nikos Grammaticopoulos was due to cardiac arrest.

The news of the death of the doctor and head of the Kalamata clinic, Nikos Grammatikopoulos, literally shocked his colleagues, all those who work in the hospital. He was a respected person and a professional in his field. Hundreds of patients passed through his hands during the pandemic. Recall that Mr. Grammaticopoulos was in charge of the clinic and the coronavirus department of the Kalamata hospital.

He did not appear to be afraid of the terminal illness, and reportedly had had covid himself a few months ago. However, he died not from the virus, but from cardiac arrest.

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