July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Thessaloniki: 8-year prison sentence for 55-year-old man who seduced 16-year-old niece

A mixed jury in Thessaloniki handed down a sentence of 8 years in prison to a 55-year-old man who seduced his 16-year-old niece and recorded his actions on video, recognizing a previous legal life as a mitigating circumstance.

The accused was found guilty of producing and possessing child pornography materials (by a criminal who maintains friendly relations with relatives of a minor) and abuse of a minor over 14 years of age. In the first instance, the accused was sentenced to 10 years in prison, but until today he was at large, since the sentence had a suspensive effect on appeal.

According to the case file, it all happened in February 2018 in one of the regions of Central Macedonia, when the accused entered the room where his niece was sleeping along with his 12-year-old daughter and, touching her on various parts of her body, put his hands in her underwear. The act was committed three times on the same night while his minor daughter slept on the bottom bunk bed.

The girl became aware of what her uncle had done, and the next day she told her parents about it, after which the “Smile of a Child” was raised on alarm. The parents filed a complaint with the police. During the investigation, it turned out that the uncle recorded his disgusting actions on his mobile phone. He took care to “lock” his device, but experienced police officers were able to detect video files several minutes long.

In his statement, he denied all charges without convincing the court. At the exit from the courtroom, after the verdict was announced and at the moment when the criminal was being led in handcuffs to prison, the mother of the minor shouted to him: “Remember my daughter’s name!”.

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