February 8, 2025

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Subsidy up to €100,000 for small and very small businesses

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Small and micro-enterprises located in the Western Macedonia region or in the municipalities of Megalopolis, Ihalia, Gortinia and Tripoli in the Peloponnese region can qualify for up to €100,000 to cover the costs of constructing buildings, structures and open spaces, purchasing equipment and transport, as well as to pay for services and software.

These are two new entrepreneurial actions (of the de minimis type) aimed at strengthening existing, new and start-up small and micro enterprises in the respective regions with the aim of creating new jobs.

Interested parties will be able to submit their applications for funding under the Equitable Development Transition 2021-2027 program as early as February 8, with the deadline being April 8, 2024.


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Investment projects have a subsidized budget ranging from 20,000 to 100,000 euros, the assistance rate is 70%, with the focus on targeted projects:

  • development of modern technologies and innovative processes in the production process,
  • modernization of manufactured products and services, as well as
  • creation of new jobs.

Particular attention is paid to enterprises operating in the priority sectors of the National Strategy “Smart Specialization”.

“Creation of enterprises and support of new micro and small enterprises in the areas covered by the territorial equitable development plans of the transition period of the region of Western Macedonia and Megalopolis”, with a budget of 20,000,000 euros and beneficiaries – new and start-up small and micro enterprises.

Announcement of the program “Creating a business and supporting new micro and small enterprises” is here: Startups and start-ups

“Strengthening existing micro and small enterprises in the areas of the territorial plans for the equitable development of the transition region of Western Macedonia and Megalopolis”, with a budget of 30.000.000 euros, the beneficiaries are existing small and micro enterprises.

Program announcement “Support for existing micro and small enterprises” see here: Existing businesses

It is clarified that applications must be submitted electronically through the Integrated Information Management System (ISMS) and that benchmarking will be used to evaluate them.

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