February 18, 2025

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Economist: Greece tops list of 35 countries

Created by DALL·E 3

The Economist ranked Greece top of its list of 35 countries with the best economic performance in 2023, citing “another incredible triumph.”

According to an Economist analysis based on five economic and financial indicators (inflation, inflation range, GDP, jobs and stock market performance), Our country has the best economic performance this year among 35 predominantly rich countries. “For the second year in a row, Greece tops the ranking, showing remarkable results in the economy, but only recently the situation was associated with the concept of “mismanagement.”

In addition to South Korea, America shows many other outstanding results. The USA ranks third. Canada and Chile are also not far behind the leaders.


Meanwhile, many of the “lazy” countries (those whose economies are undergoing little change) are:

  • Great Britain,
  • Germany,
  • Sweden,
  • Finland (which comes last on the list).

According to the Economist magazine, Greece shows “amazing results” in five indicatorson the basis of which it is derived total score for each country. But what is particularly striking is the increase in the stock market value of the Greek market by 43.8%. Investors have again shown interest in Greek companiesas the government is conducting a series market-friendly reforms

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