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Frappe coffee and cholesterol: a relationship that few people know about

Instant coffee, from which frappe is prepared, has two very beneficial properties for the body.

According to Dr. Rob Van Dam, assistant professor of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, frappe has less cafestol than French (gallico) or Greek (elliniko) coffee.

Cafestol is a substance that can raise cholesterol levels. If you already have high cholesterol or have a family history of heart disease, instant coffee is a better choice than French (gallico) or Greek coffee.


Instant coffee frappe has less caffeine than other types of coffee. It’s right not for all brandsbut if you read labels, you can find instant coffee containing as little as 27mg of caffeine per serving.

A serving is usually 1 teaspoon. A cup of other types of coffee contains at least 95 mg of caffeine.


Coffee: how to make it healthier

1. No caffeine after 2pm.
Caffeine is a stimulant. This is one of the main reasons why we love coffee so much. Caffeine gives us a boost of energy when we feel tired. But if you drink coffee in the afternoon, it can affect your nighttime sleep, and insomnia can cause a lot of additional problems. For this reason, it is important not to drink coffee in the afternoon, in the evening. Well, if you want or “should”, then choose a decaffeinated drink.

2. Don’t put too much sugar in your coffee
Coffee is very easy to turn into something completely unusable. The easiest way to do this is to load it with sugar, which is arguably the worst ingredient in the modern diet. Excess sugar can cause many serious diseases such as obesity and diabetes. If you can’t imagine your life without coffee sweetener, use stevia.

3. Choose quality coffee, preferably organic
As with all food products, the quality of a product can vary greatly depending on the processing method and how it was grown/produced.

Coffee beans tend to be heavily sprayed with pesticides, herbicides and various toxins.that are not intended for human consumption. For this reason, choose organic coffee whenever possible.

4. Do not use artificial sweeteners (syrups)
Adding artificial sweeteners to your coffee instead of sugar might seem like a good idea since they are low in calories. But scientific evidence does not support this. Numerous studies have linked artificial sweeteners to various health problems. For this reason, do not add artificial sweeteners to your coffee. But stevia is a natural alternative, but it is best to try drinking coffee in its pure form.. Give yourself time to get used to the new bitter taste of coffee. And if you succeed, you will only win.

5. Add some cinnamon to your coffee
Cinnamon is a delicious spice that pairs especially well with the flavor of coffee. Research shows that cinnamon can lower blood glucose, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels in diabetics.


6. Avoid Adding Low-Fat Milk to Your Coffee
If you want to add milk to your coffee, choose full-fat milk, preferably cow’s. Research shows that high-fat dairy products are associated with a reduced risk of obesity.

7. Add some cocoa to your coffee
Cocoa is rich in antioxidants and has been linked to many health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease. If you want your coffee to be a little more flavorful, try adding a small dose of organic, unsweetened cocoa powder.

And finally, a little about hot coffee

Opt for coffee brewed coffee and use a paper filter. The coffee you get may contain harmful substances known as diterpenes (substances that raise bad cholesterol and triglycerides). To get rid of them, just use a paper filter. Freshly brewed paper filter coffee effectively removes all diterpenes, allowing caffeine and beneficial antioxidants to “reach” your cup.

Recall filtered coffee, which includes drip bags, instant drink or prepared in an automatic drip coffee maker with a paper filter is healthier. Such an invigorating drink contains 30 times less diterpins than unfiltered coffee.

Espresso from an ordinary coffee machine, a nutritionist advises to drink with caution. It has fewer harmful substances than unfiltered coffee, but more than filtered coffee.

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