July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

"lack of sleep": serious health risks

Experts warn: People who sleep less than six hours every night are seriously risking their health.

Research confirms that sleep deprivation increases the risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. The data obtained by scientists show that regular exercise can neutralize the negative effects of lack of sleep.

“In an ideal world, we would sleep and exercise as much as we need to be healthy. In real life, however, this is not the case, says researcher Dr. Jihui Zhang, an assistant professor at Guangzhou Medical University in China. “Our study shows that adequate exercise can mitigate the effects of even one night’s sleep deprivation.”

The study involved 92,221 adults aged 40 to 73 years.

With devices for physical activity measurements researchers recorded movement and sleep volunteers who were followed on average within seven years. By 2022, 3,080 volunteers have died: 1,074 people died from cardiovascular diseases, 1,871 from cancer, and the rest from other causes.

The researchers found that those who slept less than 6 hours each night were 52% more likely to die from heart disease compared to those who slept 7-8 hours each night.

However, those who exercised regularly at moderate or high intensity did not face an increased risk. Physical activity lasted at least 150 minutes per week, and the forms of exercise volunteers chose included: beg jogging, swimming, cycling, brisk walking.

The study also found that subjects who didn’t move much were 16% more likely to die from any cause if they got enough sleep at night, and 37% more likely if they didn’t get enough sleep.

However sleep duration was not associated with risk of all-cause death for participants who exercised vigorously.

With regard to heart disease in particular, experts found that those who slept little and led a sedentary lifestyle were 69% more likely to die. “Our results show that joint Efforts to combat sedentary lifestyles and lack of sleep combine to bring many benefits to middle-aged and older people,” Dr. Zhang said.

The new results are published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.

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