April 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Free travel on motorways ahead of elections

The movement of vehicles on all toll highways will be free, without tolls, before the elections and on the day they are held.

At midnight on May 19, barriers will be raised (including on the motorway of the Ρίου-Αντιρρίου bridge) for all vehicles. And on the morning of Thursday, May 18, free travel will begin for representatives of the judiciary, who will have to present official IDs.

All these measures are being taken to facilitate the movement of voters who will take part in the 2023 elections. The day after the vote, from 08:00 am on Monday, May 22, you will again have to pay for toll roads.

Concessionaires of toll roads will receive compensation from the state for free travel. According to the concluded contracts, at any time the state has the right to ask the companies to suspend the collection of tolls. True, in these cases, the concessionaires have the right to demand compensation for lost income, providing data on the number of cars that have passed, writes CNN Greece.

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