July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

17-year-old teenager was physically and sexually abused in a detention center

The 17-year-old teenager was the victim of repeated beatings and rape in a juvenile colony, where he was sentenced to a six-month stay for an offense.

A disciplinary investigation into the beating and rape of a boy in a temporary detention center was launched, although with a delay of 1.5 months.

The teenager is from Heraklion, Crete, and the colony (detention center for juveniles) where he was sent is in Volos, Central Greece.

The juvenile reportedly filed a complaint a month and a half ago, on March 20, but the General Secretariat for Crime Control announced an investigation following a scandal caused by local media reports on Thursday, May 4.

The teenager testified before the Heraklion Security Directorate in Crete that he was subjected to severe beatings and gang rape by other minors in a juvenile colony.

The complaint was filed on March 20, when he was released from prison and told his mother about the nightmare three days after his release.

When the boy was still in the car and did not reach home, the mother immediately contacted the security department of the Greek police in Heraklion and filed a complaint about the physical and sexual abuse of her son.

After filing a complaint, the victim was examined by a psychologist and a doctor.

It is reported that the teenager was hospitalized while in custody, but his family was not informed about this.

Another teenager is also said to have been the victim of violence by one of the five bullies in the same detention center. “I was raped by five people almost every night for about 15 days until I was released. One finished, the other started,” the teenager told a local website. cretalive.gr.

It started from day one…

A victim of abuse described her horrific experience from the first day of detention, when her clothes were stolen from her and she was forced to fight with a fellow prisoner. “If I hadn’t done this, I would have been beaten and kicked by 20 people,” the teenager claimed.

However, it seems that the inmates not only abused the boy, but also demanded money from him.

Speaking on Thursday’s Mega TV Live News program, the victim’s mother said she was surprised that her son asked her for money almost every day. According to her calculations, he “spent” 50 euros a day.

According to the complaint, when he told a relative about the abuse over the phone, he was beaten again. When he asked to be transferred to the protective section of the prison, he was beaten again.

Keeping the boy in a juvenile colony was considered necessary rather for reasons of “punishment and re-education” after a serious domestic incident with his older sister. It was a difficult decision for the mother to agree to such a measure, the teenager, but at that moment he was convinced that this would be done only for his own good. “Eventually, the family will have daily contact with the son,” reports cretalive.gr.

“The perpetrators will be held accountable”

The family’s lawyer, Georgios Kokosalis, is following the preliminary investigation closely and is confident that the perpetrators will be brought to justice. “We have witnessed another case of child abuse in the sense of sexual abuse committed against this child in a controlled setting such as a special detention center for such young people where the minor was kept for a certain period of time.

Unfortunately, although many steps have been taken towards alternative treatment for young offenders, the situation remains difficult and even tragic.

Once the child was released from prison, he found the courage to confide in his mother about what he was going through. We have contacted the Heraklion security team, which is conducting a preliminary investigation, and we are confident that those responsible will be found and brought to justice before the criminal justice system.

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