July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

7 out of 10 Greeks save on food to pay bills

New shocking data emerged as a result of the publication of the results of a survey conducted by Γ.Σ.Ε.Ε and the Labor Institute, on the impact of price stability on the standard of living of workers: 7 out of 10 Greeks deny themselves food to pay taxes and exorbitant bills.

In addition, winter is just around the corner, which is already compare during the Second World War, at least in those European states that were designated as “unfriendly countries” in relation to Russia and are experiencing counter-sanctions from Moscow. Brussels and the UK are trying to cut gas consumption by 15%, but the “hole” is more than 30%.

The Mitsotakis government, by supporting sanctions against Russia and its forced degassing, has put the population of Greece on the brink of poverty, and everyone knows that the situation will worsen in winter. The European Trade Union Confederation has already stated that due to sanctions against Russia, European citizens will lose whole salary per year, with all the ensuing consequences.

Data from a survey conducted by Γ.Σ.Ε.Ε and the Labor Institute:

  • 71% of employees reduced spending on basic foodstuffsto pay the exorbitant bills they receive.
  • 80% said that during 2022 their salary did not increase.
  • 20% of workers say that their financial situation does not allow them to cope at all with the winter asceticism and the energy crisis, while 47% say “difficult”, 30% – “quite easy” and 3% – “easy”.
  • 63% consider raising wages and the minimum wage as the most effective way to protect their standard of living from rising food and energy prices.
  • Reduction of excises and consumption taxes is chosen by 31%, and only 3% choose subsidies.
  • 80% of workers report no pay increase during 2022, further highlighting the need and value of industry-wide labor agreements.
  • 39% of employees say they work more than their usual working hours, 48% of them say they work more than 7 hours a week, 49% say they are not paid for overtime.
  • The vast majority, 65% of workers, believe that the minimum wage should be set through collective bargaining, and 20% – by government decision.
  • Finally, 30% of workers say they are not satisfied with their job.

“The Greek economy and society, after years of austerity, is facing a new wave of rising prices and revaluation of basic goods, and income stagnation threatens the purchasing power of many households and social groups,” emphasizes Γ.Σ.Ε.Ε in the report and proposes the following measures:

  • Bringing the minimum wage in line with a decent standard of living (60% of full-time median wage)
  • A significant increase in the level of coverage of collective agreements, reaching 70% of workers, and their protection by extending the validity of all conditions of collective agreements until the conclusion of collective negotiations and the signing of new ones.
  • Reducing excise taxes on energy and basic foodstuffs.
  • It is necessary to introduce a tax on excess profits of energy companies and direct this amount to support the disposable income of households.

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