July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Official announcement of the beginning of the monkeypox pandemic

The World Health Organization yesterday, June 23, 2022, officially announced the start of a pandemic, according to the organization’s website.

According to BB.LV, referring to WHO data, the incidence of monkeypox continues to grow – in the world, according to official statistics, there are already almost 3.5 thousand victims. Experts express concern that humanity is facing a deadly new pandemic. The World Health Organization (WHN) has declared an outbreak of monkeypox a pandemic.

To date, 3,454 cases have been reported in 58 states. The virus occurs on several continents at once, while monkeypox can be re-infected. Experts argue that ignoring the danger and not taking the necessary timely measures can turn into big problems. The WHO report says:

“The outbreak will not end without concerted global action. Even with a lower mortality rate than smallpox, if measures are not taken to stop the continued spread, millions of people will die and others risk becoming blind and disabled.”

World Health Organization experts urge to inform residents of different countries where there are already sick people that monkeypox is a dangerous disease, so this news must be taken seriously. The organization declared the monkeypox outbreak a pandemic ahead of a WHO meeting. Experts will decide how to proceed. WHO co-founder Yanir Bar-Yam says:

“There is no reason to expect a further increase in the monkeypox pandemic. The best time to act is now. By taking immediate action, we can control the outbreak, and we will be able to prevent an increase in the incidence as soon as possible.”

Yesterday, Greece’s national public health organization ΕΟΔΥ announced about the third confirmed case monkeypox in the country. The statement said that testing of another suspected case is ongoing. ΕΟΔΥ stressed that all three confirmed cases are “imported”, that is, patients contracted the virus while outside of Greece. All cases in the country identified in June.

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