July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Social Dividend: Clarification

The draft budget will be presented in parliament today, and on its basis it will be seen what “remainder” will be allocated for financial assistance to the poor, the so-called social dividend.

Up to € 900 will be paid as dividends to over 200,000 vulnerable families by Christmas.

Kyriakos Mitsotakis said at the TIF conference that this year’s emergency financial support will be a double payment of the minimum guaranteed income (EEE, former KEA), to which vulnerable households are entitled.

The Minimum Guaranteed Income (formerly KEA), paid by OPECA on the last business day of the month, is a social security program targeting approximately 273,000 vulnerable households (482,335 vulnerable citizens).

The guaranteed amount is determined as follows:

For a family of 2 adults, assistance is paid in the amount of EUR 300. If you pay twice in December, the amount will reach 600 euros. The guaranteed amount is increased by 50 euros for each minor family member. For example, a family of 2 adults and one minor receives a total of 350 euros. If paid in December, they will receive € 700. A family with 2 adults and 2 minors receives a total of 400 euros. If paid in December, it will be 800 euros. The maximum amount of the guaranteed amount is set at 900 euros per month, regardless of the composition of the family. Thus, with a payment in December, recipients will see an additional € 900.

Last year, 256,563 families received double assistance.

In addition, other social groups can receive a social dividend. Thus, if an additional amount remains, it will be distributed among the needy (low-income families).

Low-income pensioners
As for pensioners, it is initially assumed that this assistance from the state will be received by those who did not receive it in late 2020-early 2021, that is, more than 1 million pensioners.

It is expected that the basic financial assistance will be determined, the type of social dividend (500 euros), which will be distributed proportionally, depending on the amount of the pension received.

Helping health workers
As for financial assistance to medical workers, they will also receive it in December. A similar “bonus” was awarded to medical staff at public hospitals last Easter, at the start of the pandemic.

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