April 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Harbingers of severe COVID-19 – watch out for symptoms

Recent studies by scientists from the University of Florida have identified early messengers of a severe form of coronavirus, which appear at the very beginning of the disease.

The data of 36,000 people who suffered from COVID-19 were studied, says “Tsargrad TV” – Russian information and analytical Internet TV channel. The first symptoms, as experts said, may already indicate the severity of the developing disease. Confusion of consciousness was observed in all patients at the onset of the disease, who suffered it heavily.

The second important symptom was forgetfulness. Patients could not remember commonplace things – recent events, the date of birth of a loved one, their address, or even the street.

With a mild course of the disease, according to scientists from the University of Florida, loss of smell and taste is more characteristic. The findings are published in the scientific journal Critical Care Explorations.

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