May 3, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greek doctors: “What they tell us is a lie”

Greek medical professionals who have appealed to the European Court of Human Rights have criticized the court’s ruling to deny the precautions they requested regarding mandatory vaccinations in their industry.

The 30 health professionals (dentists, orthodontists, pediatric dentists, nurses, emergency medical technicians (EKAB), pediatricians, orthopedists, microbiologists, gynecologists) who are responding to this measure report that the ECtHR decision concerns the rejection of unsafe coercive measures, i.e. That is, they speak of “an unprecedented unconstitutional and unscientific law adopted by the Greek government.”

The related announcement says:

“It is doubtful that the European Court of Justice has read the documents we have submitted to the effect that they are not subject to the urgent Rule 39 procedure, since it does not recognize the risk of involuntary vaccination causing irreparable harm to LIFE AND HEALTH in order to keep its job.

Therefore, it is doubtful whether he studied the conclusive scientific evidence presented and analyzed by the Pharmacovigilance Service of EUROPE, AMERICA AND ENGLAND (EUDRAVIGILANCE, VAERS, MHRA) about thousands of deaths and millions of cases of serious side effects. About half of these are permanent, SIGNIFICANT more than any other vaccine has caused in the past 30 years in the United States, as shown in the VAERS chart.

Especially when you consider that we provided proof of hospitalization due to thrombosis to a colleague after vaccination, who is at increased risk to her health due to these vaccines, which have thrombosis as a major side effect. The Greek state does not include it in the permissible vaccination exemptions in the issued ΚΥΑ (presented in the relevant documents of the submitted Precautionary Statement).

Finally, in our Precautionary Statement, we have detailed studies and meta-analyzes that fully document the tremendous therapeutic value of Ivermectin against SARS-COV-2, as well as a prophylactic protocol that can be used in place of vaccination and with greater safety. Vermectin has been used to treat humans since the 1970s (on the World Health Organization’s EASY DRUGS list), as opposed to this particular vaccine, which is a completely new product. Research on ANOTHER TECHNOLOGY lasted less than a year. However, the European Court does not change its position, therefore it is doubtful that our documents have finally informed it of a FULLY PROVEN AND MUCH SAFE ALTERNATIVE – Ivermectin, which DOES PROTECT PUBLIC HEALTH AND WHERE CONFIRMING COUNTRIES WITH DISEASES. Covid-19 is currently heading towards zero.

Medical professionals do not hesitate to talk about “falsification” of official data, ANSWERING QUESTIONS OF JOURNALISTS about the benefits and effectiveness of vaccines in the form in which they are officially presented. At the same time, they emphasize that “the main thing is to start a dialogue with all parties to combat fear and restore the image of science, which is currently tarnished.”

Citing foreign studies, they also highlight the fact that “the right number of deaths and side effects are not specified,” while they will take other legal action against the Supreme Court.

“There is no effective vaccine against the mutant virus,” and “doctors must check and obtain the complete medical history of every citizen before receiving the vaccine,” they also state, adding that some effective drugs remain obscure, although they can save lives …

“So this is not another vaccine, like everything we did in childhood and later, and which contains a pathogenic microorganism in an inactive form, but a gene therapy drug that is being massively tested in humans for the first time. “Why does a vaccinated person have a certificate for an indefinite period, while a physically sick person has a certificate for only 6 months, and after 6 months plus 1 day it is invalid? Pfizer announced that the immune response to its vaccines will expire in 6 months. ”

As for their colleagues, more than 80% of whom were vaccinated, they note that many of them “did it under pressure not to go on strike.” And they conclude: “How is already traumatized and understaffed public health protected by the mandatory sanitary vaccination law, when 15,000 health workers who were suspended due to work interruptions offered the maximum in the last 18 months because they were not vaccinated? ?

The Indian Bar Association recently sued the World Health Organization for defamation of the drug ivermectin in connection with Covid-19, and the drug has been proven beyond doubt to suppress its spread and be very effective in treating coronavirus.

The health authorities state in their respective communication:

However, we inform you that we are going to proceed with all the necessary legal actions in all directions. We will also inform the European Parliament and any body that needs to be aware of this historically negative evasion of the European Court of Human Rights decision on human rights, based on the data above. And we urge Greek health professionals who do not want to get vaccinated not to succumb to unconstitutional and highly unscientific blackmail.

In addition, we call on ALL health professionals, as well as ALL citizens, whether vaccinated or not, to join us in the next lawsuit against the Covid-Free Appeal, which is not supported by any scientific research, giving a false sense of security.

Recall that the CDC recognized that vaccinated people transmit the virus in the same way as unvaccinated people, while according to the Oxford study, vaccinated people carried a much higher viral load than unvaccinated people.

Contact us to take part in this new legal action by providing your name, opportunities and contact details, in respect of which we are strictly complying with the law on personal data:

Email Mail: Email address is being protected from spambots. Javascript must be enabled in your browser to view the address., Email address is being protected from spambots. Javascript must be enabled in your browser to view the address.

We work with teams:

Greek Medical Freedom Alliance – Telegram group: (member of the World Doctors Alliance,, founders of the World Freedom Alliance,

Greek Scientists for Health and Freedom

World Freedom Alliance, Greece and Telegram group:

Health professionals posted the following links to in support of what they said in the interview:

A CDC Vaccine Advancement Study that shows vaccinated people become infected and transmit the virus in the same way as unvaccinated people. which is recognized by the World Health Organization.

Vaccines bring us closer to each other and to ending the COVID-19 pandemic.

Even if you’re vaccinated, you can still get infected and pass on the virus, #DoItAll:
↔️ keep a safe distance
😷 wear a mask
🤲 clean hands@WHO updates on # COVID19 vaccines 👉

– WHO / Europe (@WHO_Europe) June 11, 2021

Ivermectin Drug Protocol (FLCCC)

A meta-analysis demonstrating the successful use of ivermectin in thousands of patients. “There is a group of scientists in England calling for the introduction of ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of Covid-19 in hospitals: And here’s a summary of her presentation:

Legal notice recently filed by the Indian Bar Association with the World Health Organization for defamation of ivermectin in relation to Covid-19 Notice-to-Dr.-Soumya-Swaminathan_Chief-Scientist-WHO-1.pdf

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