April 28, 2024

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Nobel Prize Winner: “Vaccination Creates Options”

Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier, a French virologist, accused mass vaccination of creating new strains and called it “unthinkable.”

Luc Montagnier is confident that the vaccination campaign during a pandemic is an unthinkable mistake. The telegraph daily… It contributes to the creation of new variants of the coronavirus and deaths. In an interview with Hold-Up Media’s Pierre Barnerias, published May 18, 2021 by the RAIR Foundation, the scientist says:

“This is a huge mistake, isn’t it? Both scientific and medical error. This is an invalid error. The history books will show this because it is vaccination that creates the options. It is the antibodies produced by the virus that allow the infection to intensify. Epidemiologists are aware of this and are silent about a problem known as antibody-dependent enhancement.

Undoubtedly, new strains can also arise naturally, but vaccination controls the process, says the French virologist:

“What is the virus doing? Is he dying or is he finding another solution? It is clear that new variants are created by antibody-mediated selection through vaccination. New variants are products and vaccines. You see it in every country, it is the same: in every country, death follows vaccination. “

The scientist draws attention to the WHO data showing that after the introduction of vaccination in January 2021, infection with new variants “exploded” along with a fatal outcome, “especially among young people.”

Thrombosis has become an unexpected problem with coronavirus vaccines and the reason for the phasing out of AstraZeneca in several countries. Teresa Tam, head of the Canadian Public Health Agency, at a press conference on Tuesday reported 21 cases of thrombotic thrombocytopenia caused by the vaccine. Another 13 cases are still under investigation.

The French virologist said he is conducting research with those who contracted COVID after being vaccinated. In April, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that they had received 5,800 reports of people who had been vaccinated after vaccinations, of which 396 were hospitalized and 74 died. Montagnier promises: “I will prove to you that they are creating vaccine-resistant variants,” Montagnier said.

The famous virologist’s statements caused a mixed reaction in April last year, when on the air of the French TV channel he claimed that SARS-CoV2, in his opinion, was created in a laboratory:

“The presence of elements of HIV and the causative agent of malaria in the genome of the coronavirus is highly suspicious, and the characteristics of the virus could not have arisen naturally.”

Some experts ridiculed him for his “vision of a conspiracy that has nothing to do with real science.” However, in July last year, Montagnier released a document that confirmed his claims about the laboratory origin of the coronavirus as a result of human experiments. This theory is now considered the most likely.

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