May 4, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

President of the Medical Association “Unvaccinated must pay for Covid treatment in hospitals”

The dangerous and therefore unethical proposal that “unvaccinated citizens should pay for Covid treatment in hospitals” was made by the president of the Panhellenic Medical Association, Thanassis Exadaktylos.

The statement sparked outrage among the medical community and social media users. In an interview Skai tv he said that “unvaccinated citizens who become ill in public hospitals with Covid-19 should pay for part of their treatment out of their own pocket and depending on their financial capabilities.” He added that this proposal is not as “absurd” as it seems.

The PMA president and member of the committee of epidemiologists advising the government further stated that “unvaccinated citizens who fall ill and are hospitalized in intensive care units fall ill of their choice because they do not agree to vaccinations and thus increase financial and medical assistance. Price.”.

He went so far as to say that “they violate the democratic rights of vaccinated people and increase costs.”

Exadaktylos’ proposal provoked outrage among the doctors of public hospitals, who strongly condemned them and reminded him of the Hippocratic Oath.

“Mr. Exadaktylos’s positions reflect his personal views and those of those who turn medical science into an excuse for barbarism,” writes, among others, OEGNE, the Federation of Hospital Physicians Associations.

Ομόφωνη καταγγελία # ΟΕΝΓΕ για τις δηλώσεις του προέδρου ΠΙΣ πως οι ανεμβολίαστοι πρέπει να πληρώνουν τα έξοδα νοσηλείας τους.
“Οι θέσεις του κ. Εξαδάκτυλου απηχούν τις προσωπικές του απόψεις και όλων όσων μεταιτρέπουν την ιατγραταττηουν την ιατγρκατττηο

– PG Papanikolaou (@PGPapanikolaou) November 19, 2021

Interestingly, Exadaktylos’ proposal came just four days after a former International Monetary Fund employee and advocate of austerity and neoliberal politics, a New Democracy MP Miranta Xafa envied this practice in Singapore.

Why can’t we do it too? the Greek economist asked on his Twitter account.

Η Σιγκαπούρη σταματάει να καλύπτει το κόστος νοσηλείας COVID για τους μη ςμβολιασμένους. Εμείς γιατί συνεχίζουμε;

– Miranda Xafa (@MXafa) November 14, 2021

Exadaktylos and Xafa’s proposals are extremely dangerous, if not “criminal,” as they involve the exclusion of hundreds of thousands of people from the public health system, who actually fund it with their taxes and social security contributions, thus paying the salaries of people like the aforementioned policies and officials.

Following the same logic, tomorrow they may come up with another extreme and antisocial proposal, such as contributing to the additional costs of people suffering from diseases directly or indirectly related to lifestyle.

It is the same logic that “those who smoke should pay for treatment, if they get lung cancer, a drunk driver should not be treated in an intensive care unit, those who eat fatty or sugary foods should not be treated free of cholesterol. or diabetes.

We can only hope that Exadaktylos and Xafa’s unethical proposal is just “fireworks” initiated by some government officials to scare away unvaccinated citizens and force them to receive an injection.

Note that there is currently a public debate in several European countries on how to deal with the increased workload due to Covid in hospitals and the shortage of intensive care units.

So what do you think given the factors and hazards mentioned above?

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