July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Nanny program next door: 500 euro benefit… for grandparents

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Grandparents and relatives of children also have the opportunity to join the Nanny Next Door program and receive a monthly voucher worth €500.

However, to do this, they must have at least compulsory education qualifications and have completed an appropriate training program. However, if they are retired, they must declare this to the EFKA. Also eligible to participate in the program are:

  • Mothers and fathers, siblings, adoptive parents, working in the public or private sector (self-employed, freelancers).
  • Unemployed mothers, relatives, adoptive parents or guardians registered in registers DYPA.

The annual individual income of the interested parties must not exceed the amount of 24,000 euros, and they should not be:

  • on maternity leave,
  • maternity leave,
  • leave to raise a child.

In this case, the residential address of the beneficiaries must be located within the municipalities participating in the pilot implementation of the program.

How to take part in online training, step by step process:

You should first go to the program application ntantades.gov.gr with your personal taxisnet codes, and then to the participation application “Registration in the register of curators”.

To declare your participation in the training program, you must go to SECTION “B” – OTHER DETAILS/Level of education and select the link https://howto.gov.gr/ to enter the asynchronous training program (ΕΝΟΤΗΤΑ Β – ΛΟΙΠΑ ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΑ/Επίπεδο Εκπαί δευσης της αίτησής τους και θα πρέπει να επιλέξουν το σύνδεσμο (link) https://howto.gov.gr/ ώστε να εισέλθουν στο ασύγχρονο πρόγραμμα εκπαίδευσης).

After completing the study material in the link above, they will move on to assessment questions where they will have to answer 30 true/false or multiple choice questions. Throughout the exam, you can navigate to questions by clicking “Next Page” or “Previous Page” at the bottom of the screen. Parties concerned will be able to ignore the question and come back later or correct the answer before final submission.

First you will have to answer all the questions, and then in the window that appears, click “Submit”, and that’s it, you’re done. The exam time is 45 minutes. Answers are scored automatically by the system, and anyone who scores 70% or more correct answers is considered “passed.” If a citizen does not pass the exam, he has the right to try again after 1 week. You can make 2 attempts in total. After citizens complete an asynchronous learning program with a completion rate greater than 70%, they should:

  1. Re-enter your application from the website ntantades.gov.gr in “Registration in the register of curators”.
  3. Select your level of education (for example, secondary, higher, etc.). In your specialty, choose online training.
  4. Attach any qualifications you have (eg High School Diploma or HE/TEI degree) as a pdf.

Within 10 working days from the date of final submission of the application, GIAD will conduct a substantive verification of submitted data and supporting documents. Cross-checking can be carried out if necessary. Those interested can submit an application until September 30, 2024 and until the available budget is exhausted.


Beneficiaries of the program who work full-time, are freelancers or are self-employed will receive a monthly benefit of 500 euros, while 300 euros per month will be paid to unemployed mothers and beneficiaries who work part-time. Each “neighborhood nanny” is allowed to provide her services in the same place and at the same time:

a) look after three children aged from 2 months to 2.5 years (of which only one child can be under the age of one year),

b) for two children (if they are under 1 year old).

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