September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Listening to music in the car will result in a fine

Listening to music while driving is a favorite habit of drivers and by far the most common thing.

However, who would have thought that depending on how and on what media we listen to our favorite playlist, the traffic police can stop the car and impose a fine.

As it turned out, it is forbidden to listen to music through headphones, even if they are wireless. They should be used solely for the driver’s conversation with another person and nothing more. The headset should only be used for telephone calls.

This is due to the fact that a driver who wears headphones and listens to music is completely isolated from the environment and cannot perceive the sound signals emitted by other road users. For example, a driver may not hear the horn of a passing ambulance or even the noise of a motorcycle approaching an intersection.

An indicator of the prohibition is paragraph 2 of Article 13 (2 του Άρθρου 13, “Οδηγοί”), where the following is written: “(the so-called driver) is prohibited from using headphones connected to portable radios, tape recorders and other similar audio devices while driving, and also television.” Violation of the provisions of the above paragraph is punishable by an administrative fine of 100 euros, deprivation of driving license and traffic information for 30 days, reports

What about two-wheelers? It’s worth noting that using headphones connected to portable audio devices while driving also prohibited for drivers of bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles, three-wheeled vehicles and electric scooters (περ. στ’ της παραγράφου 1 στο Άρθρο 40 του ΚΟΚ). The administrative fine is 150 euros and is “accompanied” by the deprivation of motorcyclists’ driving licenses for 60 days.

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