July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Thriller with the disappearance of a 41-year-old pregnant woman: last SMS and 5,000 euros

The mysterious disappearance of a 41-year-old pregnant woman from Kalamaria in Thessaloniki tends to turn into a thriller. The lady’s partner decided to go public with the last message he received from her.

The traces of Georgia, the mother of a 13-year-old girl (daughter from a previous marriage), who is three months pregnant, were lost on Thursday, January 4.

According to the STAR channel, the woman disappeared, taking with her a large sum of money, and she sent two messages at different times to her mother and partner. Georgia’s partner spoke with journalists from the Star channel and spoke about their relationship in the “Truth with Zina” program. “I insist on finding traces of her phone. I looked for her at work, in the place where we went for coffee, contacted her friends, girlfriends who have known her all her life. However, as it turned out, no one was aware of I didn’t know that she was pregnant,” he emphasized.

According to him, the police confiscated his mobile phone because they believe they could obtain valuable information for the investigation.

The last message Giorgia allegedly sent to her partner referred to the 5,000 euros she allegedly took with her before disappearing: “Good morning my love… I left. I no longer have the strength to live a lie. I want to tell you something: I took the money from your drawer… I know you need it, but it was necessary. I’ll tell you everything when we meet. Please don’t be angry with me… I love you.”

Her partner read the message an hour later because he was asleep when it was sent. It is noted that Georgia lived both in her mother’s house and with the man from whom she was expecting a child. The woman’s brother noted: “She should call, at least just to let us know that she’s okay! We’re worried!”

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