A family hit by a drunk driver in Thessaloniki suffered an unfortunate event: the mother of a two-year-old child, who...
In Crete, a 13-year-old girl became pregnant by a 15-year-old boy. The couple claims that they are in love. The...
A case of unmotivated aggression occurred at a school in Rethymno, when a pregnant substitute teacher was brutally attacked by...
The tragic ending to the story of the search for a 41-year-old pregnant woman who disappeared on January 1, 2024....
The mysterious disappearance of a 41-year-old pregnant woman from Kalamaria in Thessaloniki tends to turn into a thriller. The lady's...
The shocking revelation was made by a German MEP yesterday (11/10) in the European Parliament at a Pfizer/BioNTech meeting about...
According to npress.gr, pregnant womanwhich on Monday was ready to give birth in the maternity hospital hospitals Messolonghikicked out of...
A shocking incident took place in Kilkis. The victim was a pregnant woman who miscarried after being attacked by a...
Another incredible incident in Thessaloniki, which began in February of this year: a pregnant woman with labor was not admitted...
A seriously wounded woman who was injured in an airstrike on a maternity hospital in Mariupol has died. It was...
Vaccines are safe for pregnant women, says Lucas Klenzeris, president of the Greek Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, stressing that...
After a large-scale fire in Varibob, the smallest particles of combustion products are still floating in the atmosphere of the...