July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greek Prime Minister Promises 3 New Support Measures: Reduced ENFIA, Increased Child Benefit and 150 Euros for Youth

Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced in Elefsina three new measures that the government has developed to support youth, families with children and payers ENFIA.

About ENFIArelated, according to the prime minister, to the policy of combating climate change and natural disasters, he said:

“Those who are insured against natural disasters will be able to receive additional 10% discount at ENFIA“.

Kyriakos Mitsotakis noted that in this way citizens would be encouraged to insure their homes and private insurance would be boosted with a significant incentive to tax them.

The second announced measure concerns youth. The head of the ND announced the provision of a special youth bonus:

“Each young person, when they turn 18, will receive 150 euros, which can be spent on travel, cultural or sports services.”

Finally, the third measure was reform of the wage fund for civil servants (uniform wage system and special payrolls) with a focus on low-paid people in responsible positions and on parents with increase in family allowance for those who have children:

  • from 50 euros to 70 euros for those who have one child;
  • from 70 to 120 euros for having two children;
  • from 120 to 170 euros for families with three children.

The cost of this measure, according to CNN Greece, is estimated at 500 million euros. Speaking about the economic policy for the next four years, Kyriakos Mitsotakis noted:

“All the policies that we are discussing for the coming years are based on economics. If you ask me what is my goal for the country, it is to quickly approach the European average. Whether it is about investments or about the social state. The key is rapid growth in terms of financial stability so that we do not see what we have experienced in the last decade. I would like to thank the staff of the General Accounting Department and their leader, Thanos Petrelis. When we develop policy, there must be a final voice that says whether or not it can be done. That voice was Thanos, as were Mr Skylakakis and Mr Stykouras. I am satisfied because we have never deviated from our goals. The rule was not horizontal measures, but support for those who need it.”

The Prime Minister of Greece also stressed that some issues with additional pensions have yet to be resolved, and one of the tasks that need to be solved is the problem of partial insurance.

Kyriakos Mitsotakis referred to the “individual piggy bank” and what pensioners can expect from now on. He promised that the support would continue, especially for low-income pensioners who have a personal difference, with emergency assistance every year until the personal difference through pension increases finally disappears.

The Prime Minister also noted that the better the economy is, the greater will be the growth of pensions, which, of course, includes inflation. He also spoke about initiatives that will make retirees more attractive to participate in the labor market, both full-time and part-time.

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