July 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Five-year-old girl injured by a stray bullet

A girl whose family lives in the Zefiri area received a gunshot wound in the thigh.

According to preliminary information ΕΛΑΣ, the girl was playing in the courtyard of a house located on Ethnikis Antistaseos Street when a bullet caught her. The shot was unintentional, the unknown person shot wherever he hit and just into the air. And the bullet in some unpredictable way wounded the child, writes dikaiologitika.gr.

The little girl was taken to the children’s hospital. Aglaya Kiriakou. The child is hospitalized and, according to doctors, her life is out of danger. All necessary medical procedures and actions were carried out after examination of the wound from a firearm.

The ΕΛΑΣ investigation is in full swing to find and arrest the culprit. At about 19 pm, information was received from Greek law enforcement agencies that a 28-year-old local citizen and his father had been arrested for the shots. The first started shooting near the house. His father is arrested because the firearm belonged to him, according to police sources cited by the TV channel.

Four shell casings were found at the shooting site. According to ERT, the two families have been at odds for some time now, and for a minor reason, there was a shooting incident today.

Recall that in Greece there are areas in which incidents like this often happen.. Just a few days ago, unknown people fired a burst of fire from a Kalashnikov at four houses. Fortunately no one was hurt. However, in one of the houses, a bullet shattered a window and hit a mirror while the mother was feeding her child. And they only miraculously survived.

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