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Nemanja Starović: approaching "point of no return"

State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Nemanja Starovic says that the situation in Kosovo is heating up, and the point of no return is approaching.

BB.LV quotes his statement on Twitter:

“We are approaching the point of no return tonight in Kosovo. The willful blindness of the West is tantamount to complicity.”

According to Starovic, the reason for this development was the intention of the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, to “destroy the local Serbs” with the help of “military police”. And the diplomat believes that Kurti’s unilateral actions over the past 18 months have led to such a situation.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic notes that in 2022, the Kosovo government committed a record number of incidents against Kosovo Serbs.

On the evening of December 10, two explosions thundered in the autonomous province of Kosovo Metohija. The incidents took place in the village of Zvechan, which is located a few kilometers from Kosovska Mitrovica. Also, a 15-minute shooting was recorded near the town of Zubin Potok. The EULEX civilian mission in Kosovo reported an attack on its patrol on Saturday. The bloc’s chief diplomat, Josep Borrell, has called for restraint and urged Kosovo Serbs to dismantle the barricades, quotes “European Truth”:

EU will not tolerate attacks on the EULEX mission or violent, illegal activities in the north. Kosovo Serb groups must immediately dismantle the barricades. Calm needs to be restored. The EULEX Mission will continue to coordinate with the Kosovo authorities and the international KFOR force. Everyone involved in the situation must avoid escalation.”

Yesterday afternoon, December 11, the mission officially confirmed that members of its patrol had been attacked:

“We confirm that a stun grenade was thrown at the EULEX patrol last night, December 10, near the town of Rudare (North Mitrovica). None of the members of the patrol were injured, no material damage was caused. This attack, like the attacks on Kosovo police officers, is unacceptable” .

The publication recalls that a few days ago, the Kosovo police forcibly entered the electoral bodies of municipalities with a predominantly Serb population against the background of the upcoming re-elections. On December 8, Serbia announced the possible introduction of units of its security forces into Kosovo. On December 10, the President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, announced that the elections for the heads of the northern municipalities had been postponed from December 18 to April 23, 2023 due to the increased level of danger.

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