July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Poll: Seven out of ten who witnessed child abuse did not report it

The GPO survey for Star Channel’s main newscast raises concerns.

After recent incidents of violence against minors that shocked all of Greece, how in Sepoliaas well as in “Ark of the World”, the survey focused not only on the “outside of the case”, but also deepened its research. Due to the relevance of the topic, citizens were asked if they had come across a case of child abuse, to which 95.3% answered “no” and 4.3% answered “yes”. Of those who witnessed child abuse, 69% said they did not intend to report it anywhere.

Violence and neglect against 1,854 children, of which 37 involved sexual abuse, were reported in the first ten months of 2022 alone to the child protection organization Child’s Smile (“Το Χαμόγελο του Παιδιού”). On the occasion of the organization of the 2nd International Conference entitled: “Child Sexual Abuse: Silencing the Problem. Let’s be their voice”, the Smile of a Child activists have joined forces with 800 organizations around the world, in close and meaningful collaboration with the Greek and international scientific community.

According to the organization “Το Χαμόγελο του Παιδιού”, every day children die mentally and physically from the horrors of sexual abuse, as long as it continues to “remain a secret.” In the first semester of 2022 alone, Smile of a Child received 557 anonymous and named reports of abuse and neglect of minors, which referred to a “difficult and unacceptable situation” in which a total of 964 children found themselves. According to callers, 14 (out of 964) are sexually abused.

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