July 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The lighting of the Christmas tree in the center of Athens, the evening of December 1

The city of Athens will complete preparations for the Christmas holidays by lighting the Christmas tree at 19:15 on Thursday, December 1, in the central square of the capital – Syntagma.

The 21 meter high Christmas tree, which will travel from Karpenissi to Athens, will be lit by 5 kilometers of electric garlands with 40,000 small bulbs and will be adorned with hundreds of balls and other decorations.

More than 120 km of Christmas decorations, 15 km more than last year, are already adding to the holiday spirit in the districts and quarters of Athens this year.

This special celebration will also have an international dimension this year, as mayors from all over the world, along with Athens Mayor Kostas Bakoyannis, will take part in lighting the Christmas tree in Athens, sending a strong signal of peace, unity and solidarity. between peoples.

PS The tree, which took about 70 years to grow, has been cut down and will be lit by 120 km of Christmas lights in the face of the energy and climate crisis.

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