July 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greece bans the export of firewood

The ban on the shipment of processed or unprocessed timber products from yesterday, November 15, until March 1, 2023 is provided for by an amendment submitted by the Ministry of Development to Parliament.

All logging products that will be attempted to be exported will be confiscated. These are the provisions of the amendment to the law, according to which the seized products will be immediately transferred to the local development department of the respective region.

Violation of the export ban constitutes smuggling, which will be subject to a cumulative administrative fine of 200 euros for each cubic meter of timber products attempted or proven to be exported, as well as imprisonment for at least one year.

The goal is to eradicate and prevent speculation. The amendment notes that wood is already being used as an important alternative fuel source due to the energy crisis. Supervisory authorities will monitor the situation with illegal logging in firewood (especially during the winter months when there will be increased demand).

The aim is to address the high price of this product on the market and the increased risk of illegal logging in the coming winter.

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