February 8, 2025

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Subsidies up to 500,000 euros for the energy modernization of buildings

The program “Εξοικονομώ – Επιχειρώ” concerns the installation of photovoltaics, small wind turbines or heat pumps in small and medium enterprises.

The e-application platform for the program, which deals with investments in the energy modernization of buildings and equipment of small and medium-sized businesses from the trade, services and tourism sectors, is expected to be launched in December. The program has a total budget of 2 million euros.

According to the project, savings are expected to come from:

  • Energy modernization of the building infrastructure and internal electrical installations, as well as cooling / heating systems, replacement of old ones with new materials and equipment, including modernization of lighting fixtures, etc.
  • Installation and certification of automation devices systems.

The state will allocate amounts from 20,000 euros to 250,000 euros to enterprises.

The main conditions for the participation of the company in the action are:

  1. A business must be established that is eligible to operate in accordance with the KAD code until 12/31/2020. (Να έχει συσταθεί έως επιχείρηση, με επιλέξιμο για τη Δράση ΚΑΔ μέχρι 12/31/2020).
  2. Closing: By the date of the electronic submission of the funding proposal for a period of at least two years (duration of twelve months). (Κλείσιμο. Να έχει κλείσει πριν από την ημερομηνία ηλεκτρονικής υποβολής της πρότασης χρηματοδότησης τουλάχιστον δύο (2) διαχειριστικές χρήσεις δωδεκάμηνης διάρκειας).

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