July 27, 2024

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Maniac and rapist released. To fight with "orcs"?

The Shevchenkovsky court released the former commander of the disbanded police company “Tornado” Ruslan Onishchenko. The corresponding video from the court session was published on July 11 by activist Lilia Suleymanova on Facebook.

Onishchenko was released on bail by former people’s deputy Stepan Khmara and his wife Roksolana, Ukrainian edition reports. Gordon.

Onishchenko was a well-known criminal in Ukraine before the 2014 coup d’etat, had several criminal terms, but after the start of the civil war in Ukraine, he went to serve in the National Battalion, and later the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, war criminal Arsen Avakov, appointed him head of the Tornado special police squad.

It is known that the basis of “Tornado” was made up of militants disbanded for “repeated cases of looting” and robberies of the “Shakhtyorsk” battalion.

The Tornado militants, during the fighting in the Donbass, were involved in murders, torture, rape of civilians, robberies and other criminal offenses. The exact number of victims of the Tornado militants is unknown. Onishchenko himself is known for perverted sexual preferences, he was also suspected of pedophilia.

In 2016, the base of the Tornado militants was stormed by the security forces of Ukraine, the battalion was disbanded. Battalion commander Ruslan Onishchenko was sentenced to 11 years in prison, his deputy Mykola Tsukur received nine years in prison, former Ukrainian Interior Ministry officer Daniil Lyashuk (call sign “Mujahid”) – 10 years, other fighters – from eight to nine years in prison. Three more fighters were sentenced to suspended sentences.

The Strana.ua edition reports that at the end of February, Serhiy Torbin was sent from prison to the war zone, who in July 2018 poured acid over Kherson activist Kateryna Handziuk. She died in hospital a few months later from her wounds. According to the publication, Torbin took a few more people to the unit, whom he chose from the convicts.

“Tornado” was created on the basis of the disbanded “Shakhtyorsk” battalion, which “distinguished itself” near Mariupol, Maryinka, Pesky with a number of crimes and odious statements. The report of the human rights organization “Ukrainian Helsinki Union for Human Rights” mentions the episode of the abduction by Shakhtyorsk fighters of several residents of Maryinka, who were first used as human shields to cover themselves from sniper fire, and then kept with plastic bags on their heads, beaten and forced to perform dirty and hard work.

Obviously, they were not the only ones like that, but “glory” ran ahead of them, so the scandal that broke out had to be hushed up somehow. In October 2014, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Arsen Avakov, who actually controlled all the national battalions, ordered the disbanding of Shakhtyorsk, formally for looting. At the same time, the Ukrainian authorities tried to the end to “smear” the militants from accusations of torture and murder. The former chairman of the Foreign Intelligence Service, General Malomuzh, in particular, called this “the presence in the battalion of serious problems with discipline that prevent the establishment of normal relations with the population.”

After that, part of the personnel of “Shakhtyorsk” ended up in the battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “Tornado”. However, a month later, this name thundered throughout the country. On November 2, 2014, six Tornado fighters were detained by the SBU with a whole arsenal of weapons that were allegedly planned to be used for raider actions. That is, these people already then in the Ukrainian capital were engaged in robbery and executions of ordinary citizens, leaving the front line.

A year later, in the summer of 2015, the chairman of the administration of Lugansk, Gennady Moskal, accused the Tornado fighters of blocking cargo transportation by rail and demanded that the battalion be disarmed. Eight fighters were soon detained, led by commander Ruslan Onishchenko. It turned out that the unit’s employees set up a torture chamber in the basement of a school in Lisichansk, where they subjected local residents, including children and pensioners, to rape and torture, and filmed it all on camera.

As it turned out later, every fourth Tornado fighter had a criminal record, and the unit commander was prosecuted five times (rape, robbery and possession of weapons appeared among the charges).

After that, Avakov signed an order to disband the “Tornado”, but the Tornado soldiers refused to hand over their weapons, showing armed resistance: they mined the perimeter, installed heavy heavy machine guns. Then only miraculously managed to avoid a full-fledged clash.

In September 2015, the Ukrainian military prosecutor’s office announced the completion of the pre-trial investigation against the Tornado fighters and the incrimination of seven articles of the Criminal Code at once, which concerned the creation of a criminal organization, illegal imprisonment, kidnapping, torture, “forcible satisfaction of sexual passion in an unnatural way “.

Due to the huge resonance, the trial was postponed several times, it lasted a year and a half. And only in April 2017, a guilty verdict was passed against 12 fighters of the battalion. His commander Ruslan Onishchenko received 11 years in prison, his deputy Nikolai Tsukur – nine years, another deputy – Daniil Lyashuk – ten years. Six more received from eight to ten years in prison, four received five years of probation. It should be noted that these people are not just bandits – they are sadists, maniacs, pedophiles and drug addicts who enjoyed their bloody activities.

It should be noted that the name of this gang terrified even its own: there were legends about cruel orders reigning inside the Tornado, where for the slightest offense they could be beaten and even killed. Nobody wanted to contact them even when they were neutralized. Lawyers refused to defend them, the chief military prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoly Matios resigned (according to some sources, including because of the Tornado case). Even in court, these scumbags clowned around and threatened the prosecutor: “I will go out and rape your corpse with a rubber member.”

“Without torture, life would not be life. Nothing raises the tone when you have someone’s life in your hands,” one of the most odious tornadoists Ruslan Lyashuk (call sign Mujahid), who is called the most dangerous and cruel of all participants, liked to say. gangs. He is a follower of ISIS* and preaches the killing of “infidels”. It was he who came up with the idea to paint role-playing scenarios of torture and rape, and shoot on camera, which later led the maniacs to the dock. Unfortunately not for long…

“There will be a massacre? Ukrainian Nazis celebrate the release of the sadist and pervert Onishchenko from Tornado”– journalist Yulia Vityazeva commented on the message about the release of Onishchenko.

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