July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greek netizens: age is no barrier

Every year, as the latest large-scale study showed, more and more older Greeks spend time on the Internet.

Focus Bari’s nationwide “Focus on Tech Life” study showed that in the first quarter of this year, 92% of Greek citizens aged 55-64 and 79% of Greeks in the 65-74 age group were active users of the network. Just three years ago, in 2019, this figure was significantly lower – 81% and 61%, respectively. Undoubtedly, the pandemic has played a big role in the “promotion” of older citizens.

The general interest in the Internet in Greece is 95%, in 2019 this figure was 90%. At the same time, the most active users are representatives of the age group 13-44 years old – almost 100%. The Greeks aged 45-54 are quite a bit behind – 97%. Interestingly, among children, 89% of children aged 5-12 have access to the Internet. Among them:

  • 74% aged 5-6;
  • 91% aged 7-9;
  • 96% aged 10-12 years.

Approximately 90% of Greeks access the Internet from a smartphone, while in the age group under 44 this figure is 100%.
Two out of three Greeks, or 67%, have made at least one online purchase in the past six months. In the age category of 65-74 years, this figure is 32%.
The study was conducted on a sample of 10,000 people, writes cnn.gr.

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