July 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Russian travelers in Europe say they came from Ukraine

Those who arrived in European countries from Russia disguise themselves, they do not admit where they came from.

This trend is noted by employees of hotels, shops, restaurants in many countries – France, Germany, USA. Russian travelers can be understood – they are corny afraid of a hostile attitude. As the journalist points out DELFI Orijus Gasanovas, this situation was created by the Russians themselves – now it is a shame to be a citizen of this country.

Those of them who travel a lot are well aware that their government’s decision to attack Ukraine has hopelessly ruined the image of the country and its citizens. It is difficult to disagree with the fact that, indeed, in many European countries the attitude towards Russians has changed. You can hear an incorrect question, an angry remark, and even an insult addressed to you. This attitude was first noted in the UAE, for example, back in March, immediately after the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

All over the world, people are watching with horror the footage of a brutal war, condemning it. In doing so, they see that the Russians are not trying to stop her by protesting to influence their government. Or rather, there were protests, but too small, unable to change the situation. That is why in Europe and other countries 144 million Russian citizens have become associated with aggression, and this happens on a subconscious level. Russians leaving their country are already well aware of this. Muscovite Veronika, who was vacationing in Dubai, says:

“My friend told her daughter in kindergarten to say that she is from Ukraine. She fears for her safety. Ukrainians are now all pitied and supported. those with darker skin say they are from Georgia, those who are lighter say they are from Ukraine or Latvia.”

A similar story came from the lips of a Russian taxi driver Vasily, who works in California (USA) and speaks with an oriental accent. He told a journalist who said he was from Lithuania:

“I transport 30-40 passengers a day, almost all of them ask me where I’m from. Apparently, by the accent they understand that I’m not an American. Before the war, I said that, as a teenager, I moved here with my family from Yekaterinburg 12 years ago, my Mom won the green card. But lately this story has been causing a negative reaction. It’s a shame to be a Russian, you can say it’s racism, but I’m not angry – I understand them, I don’t support Putin’s policy myself.”

Vasily said that the Russian invasion of Ukraine contributed to a split in the Russian community in Los Angeles, they even stopped meeting.

In San Francisco, employees of The Clift Royal Sonesta Hotel said that they have tourists from Russia, but they have become much smaller and different:

“They have become calmer, not so arrogant. There were cases when Russians said that they were against the war, that they did not support their president.”

In the French capital, Russians often present themselves as immigrants from other countries. An employee of the hotel notes that they have not become fewer, but their behavior has changed – the Russians began to behave more modestly:

“They say that they came from another country, but not from Russia. However, when registering, they submit a Russian passport. One couple even said that it would not be long, they would soon receive German documents.”

Daiva from Lithuania, who works in Germany, says, quoting DELFI.lt:

“The Germans are not particularly fond of representatives of other nations. They do not say anything, but their attitude can be seen in their eyes. They have always been ambivalent about the Russians, many do not like them because of cultural differences, women’s bright clothes, men’s sportswear, but after the war started, the situation got even worse. Even graffiti appeared on the streets with insults against the Russians. There is not as much anger among young people as among the older generation. Many Russians now say that they came to Germany from Ukraine.”

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