July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Taxi will become "green"

According to the new climate law regarding taxis, from the beginning of 2026, all new cars that will run within the administrative boundaries of the Attica region and the regional subdivision of Thessaloniki will be zero-emission vehicles.

New terms mandatory purchase of electric vehicles for companies and taxis established by the Ministry of Ecology and Energy, leaving, of course, a “window” for their re-consideration in case of force majeure.

A bill introduced in Parliament, titled “National Climate Act – Transition to Climate Neutrality and Adaptation to Climate Change”, defines measures to promote zero-emission cars and, in particular, support electric mobility, reports dikaiologitika.gr.

What changes will happen for taxis

The taxi project was delayed for a year. As stated in the bill, from January 1, 2026, new public passenger cars (TAXI) with registration, as well as one third (1/3) of new cars registered for rental third parties are zero emission vehicles. Insular local government organizations are excluded

Until December 31, 2023, the Department of Electrification of the Ministry of Ecology and Energy, together with the competent service of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, re-evaluates the period provided for in the first paragraph of the above measures, and also considers the feasibility of extending them to other territorial entities of the country and proposes to make a joint decision on paragraph 4 of article 34 after assessing the relevant consequences.

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