July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

There will be fewer trains in the Madrid metro

The Madrid metro is reducing the number of running trains due to the increased cost of electricity.

The Ministry of Transport notes that if last year the maintenance of the metro required 120 thousand euros per day, then this year – 830 thousand euros. In this regard, it was decided to reduce the number of trains: at rush hour by 4%, and during normal times by 10%. The government justifies the unpopular decision by saying that since the pandemic period, the number of passengers has decreased and does not exceed 80% of the “pre-pandemic” figure. Silvia Roldan, CEO of the Madrid Metro, says:

“Obviously, in the context of such a high price per megawatt hour, this measure, in addition to adapting supply to demand, will mean a benefit on Metro de Madrid’s income statement.”

The authorities promise not to raise fares despite the difficulties – they are frozen for eight years. However, the opposition, nevertheless, is not satisfied and expresses claims in connection with the decision. Monica Garcia, a representative of the Más Madrid movement, is outraged:

“This means that one out of every 10 trains will not arrive, this means that you will see 900 less trains, this means that the waiting time will increase from 3 to 7 minutes, and this means that Madame Ayuso (head of the Regional Community of Madrid Isabel Ayuso Diaz) steals 6,000 hours of life from the people of Madrid.”

The opposition offers its own solution to the problem: instead of reducing the number of trains, reduce the salaries of officials responsible for transport, as well as invest in solar panels and other sources of renewable energy.

We remind you that public transport in Athens will be stopped on Sunday due to strikes workers on Labor Day May 1st. In addition to buses, trolleybuses, trams and metros, the strike will affect ferries, ships and trains throughout the country. In an updated statement on Friday, the transport unions said the Athens metro and tram won’t work on Labor Day.

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