July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Social dividend: € 250 for 830,000 recipients

It is expected that in December, of course, before Christmas, the recipients of social dividends will receive a benefit of 250 euros, as Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said earlier.

A social dividend of € 250, which is increased by € 50 for each dependent, will be paid based on income and property criteria to approximately 830,000 low-income pensioners (with a monthly income of up to € 600).

In particular, the beneficiaries are pensioners with an annual individual taxable income of up to € 7,200 (€ 600 per month) and an annual family taxable income of up to € 14,400.

To be eligible for benefits, you must simultaneously meet the criteria for income and ownership: this means that the value of residential property must be up to 200,000 euros.

Detailed criteria for retirees:

Declared annual individual taxable income of up to € 7,200, i.e. retirement income up to € 600, annual family taxable income up to € 14,400, total taxable value of residential property up to € 200,000 in aggregate for the entire household

It is estimated that income and especially property criteria exclude at least 100,000 retirees from the program. Many people, although their pension does not exceed 600 euros, will not receive the dividend due to some other small income that can increase their monthly income.

In addition, the benefit is lost if one of the married couples has a low income and at the same time the spouse works with a monthly salary that for some time exceeded 600 euros per month, as a result of which their annual family income exceeded 14,400 euros. Couples of retirement age will not receive a dividend if one of them receives a pension that even exceeds the monthly income of € 600 by 1 €.

According to Deputy Finance Minister Teodoros Skilakakis, the € 7,200 income criterion refers to the net amount of income they receive from their pension and other possible sources (for example, if someone receives a pension from Russia). Answering questions on this topic, Mr. Skilakakis admitted that “it may be unfair, but there is no way in the budget to give money to everyone.”

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