July 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Execution of the sentence? Gas Station Shooting Investigation

The competent authorities are investigating a murder case at a gas station on November 16 in Nicaea. What did the first results show?

The police are talking about the execution of the death sentence and the mafia showdown. According to the security officials, a group of brutal criminals is behind the execution. Let us remind you that another shooting incident occurred in the Greek capital. One dead and one wounded – this is the result of the day before yesterday’s “showdown”. The shots were fired at a gas station in Nicaea, on 181 Avenue Θηβών. The killed was of Albanian origin, the second Albanian was wounded and is in the hospital. Both, according to preliminary information, are the owners of the gas station. According to the first reports from the police, fire was opened from a car passing by the gas station, with an unknown number of passengers. Later, a burned-out BMW car was found on Kifissos Avenue.

CCTV cameras recorded a black luxury BMW with tinted windows, presumably with the perpetrators, moving along the right lane of the avenue, about 200 meters before the gas station where the attack took place.

The car enters the territory of the gas station. One of the passengers opens the window and shoots the 37-year-old owner of the gas station three times. The man falls down dead. His 33-year-old friend was wounded in the arm. The criminals return to the carriageway of the avenue and, having developed a great speed, leave the scene of the crime. A few minutes later, covering their tracks, the criminals set fire to a car in Renti, near Kifissos Avenue. It was later revealed that on October 18, a luxury BMW had been hijacked in the Glyfada area.

According to the security officials, a cool group of criminals from Albania is behind the execution of the owner of the gas station. In the past, the victim was associated with law enforcement agencies in a drug case. The survivor’s testimony is considered essential to the investigation of the case. Killed – Marius Spiro Dhiamanti, originally from Delvino (Albania).

In 2010, he was charged with drug dealing in Menidi. Later – in the murder in Kipseli of a 30-year-old man who was shot with a weapon found in the incident in Menidi. After serving his sentence, he did not come to the attention of the authorities. It is reported that he owed strangers 200 thousand euros.

Lawyer Evita Varela says: “It is very difficult to investigate such a case. We see the footprints disappear. Of course, the victim’s past shows that he was involved in criminal activities. ”

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