July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

A resident of Canada pretended to be a terrorist for several years

Fantasies are different. Canadian Shehroze Chaudhry, for example, pretended to be an ISIS fighter at a cost of $ 10,000.

Either to increase self-esteem, or for the sake of popularity, but the Canadian gladly gave interviews about the difficult everyday life of the ISIS executioner in Syria and posted the corresponding photos on the network. Starting in 2016, he came up with fakes and shared fabricated stories with representatives of various media, writes The New York Times. He even had a pseudonym – Abu Khuzaif, reports bb.lv/

In 2018, from April to June, he was the main character in the NYT podcast series Caliphate. Producer Andy Mills and journalist Rukmini Kallimachi talked about the organization of ISIS and the fate of the people who got there. Shehroze Chaudhry, over the course of five episodes, narrated how he joined the organization of terrorists back in 2014, describing in detail the brutal murders of prisoners that he committed. He introduced the nuances of the functioning of a terrorist organization and how ISIS commanders taught him and other fighters to plan attacks.

These podcasts in the Canadian parliament created a storm. The opposition continued to attack Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for two years, demanding the arrest of a dangerous terrorist openly living in the country, until Chaudhry was finally arrested in 2020. However, he was not charged under the same article as the representatives of the opposition parties had assumed.

In the course of the investigation, it turned out that all the photos posted by the “terrorist” on the Internet turned out to be owned by other people, and the information he was spreading was fake. In fact, Shehroze Chaudhry never visited Syria and all this time worked peacefully in the family restaurant. At the trial, this was confirmed by the “terrorist” himself and his lawyers, who claimed that their client had never participated in ISIS operations. So he was charged with falsifying information about the threat of terrorism.

At the hearing, Chaudhry said that he regrets his lies, wants to complete his studies and change his life. The prosecutor’s office acknowledged that his fantasies “were errors motivated by immaturity, and not malicious crimes,” and agreed to drop criminal charges against the young man. However, he will now have to pay a conciliatory bond in the amount of 10 thousand dollars. In case of violation of the contract, it will be canceled.

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