July 27, 2024

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Miami: 99 people missing

According to official figures, one person died, dozens went missing after collapse of a 12-storey building in Florida, it housed 130 apartments, half in the collapsed section of the building. Charles Burkett, Mayor of Surfside, says:

“The house literally flattened, it collapsed. And where there was a distance of three meters between the floors, less than half a meter is left. My heart is bursting with pain, everything indicates that the search for survivors will not be as successful as we would like.” …

More than 30 people were rescued, about 10 of them suffered in varying degrees. Among the missing are citizens of Argentina, Venezuela, Paraguay, including members of the family of the President of Paraguay. Due to weather conditions, the search operation was temporarily suspended, but is now continuing again.

At the moment, according to the Mayor of Miami, 102 people have been found, 99 on the list of missing persons. It is unknown how many people were actually inside the building. Paraguayan officials have reported missing relatives of the first lady of Paraguay. Rescuers were unable to contact Sylvanas’ sister and son-in-law Lopez Moreira, their three children and a servant.

The local Jewish community published on Friday a list of Jewish residents, with whom it was not possible to establish contact after the disaster. There are 34 surnames in the list. According to some reports, there are Israeli citizens among them.

Search and rescue teams work under the rubble, exploring the rubble in search of survivors. Search cameras and sonars, specially trained dogs were used. But, according to the rescuer, it was a “slow and methodical” process due to the risk of moving rubble. The race to save as many lives as possible continues and the number of missing persons is growing. Their relatives were clustered a few blocks away from the destroyed building, waiting for information and fearing the worst.

The authorities have declared a fifth level of emergency, according to the Miami Herald. Typically, this degree is awarded when there is a large number of victims and victims. Several sections of the 12-storey building collapsed, at the moment one dead has been found. The number of people in the building is unknown.

The causes of the tragedy have not yet been established. The residential complex Champlain Towers was built right on the ocean coast 40 years ago. Opposite him are the beaches of Miami Beach. The house has more than 100 apartments, including those for rent. 80 pieces of equipment, police, medical and rescue services, firefighters work at the scene.


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