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Athens News

News in English from Greece

Georgian claims he was tortured to confess to Caroline’s murder

A Georgian detained in Greece on suspicion of the murder of a young woman and turned out to be innocent, told on the air of the TV company Imedihow a murder confession was beaten out of him.

Giorgi Khardzeishvili, 36, is currently in one of the prisons in Greece. He was cleared of the charge of murdering a young woman, since her husband confessed to the crime. A month later, civil aviation pilot Babi Anagnostopoulos admitted that he had killed his wife and, in order to divert suspicions from himself, told the police about the alleged robbery by an ethnic Georgian. He also “hung” on him the murder of his wife.

A Georgian citizen was detained at the Greek-Bulgarian border while trying to leave the country. According to him, they demanded that he admit his guilt, and after he refused to do so, they began to methodically beat him.

Torture in Greek prisons

A Georgian, detained in Greece on suspicion of the murder of a young woman and turned out to be innocent, told on the air of the Imedi TV company how a confession of murder was forced out of him. Giorgi Khardzeishvili, 36, is currently in one of the prisons in Greece. He was cleared of the charge of murdering a young woman, since her husband confessed to the crime. A month later, civil aviation pilot Babi Anagnostopoulos admitted that he had killed his wife and, in order to divert suspicions from himself, told the police about the alleged robbery by an ethnic Georgian. He also “hung” the murder of his wife on him. A citizen of Georgia was detained while trying to leave the country. According to him, they demanded that he admit his guilt, and after he refused to do so, they began to methodically beat him. “I was tied to a chair for four days. They beat me very hard, I got dizzy, When one got tired, another started hitting. There were many of them. I had a concussion. There were no questions. When they brought me to Athens, immediately They beat me seriously. And they simply said: “Tell me, how did you kill, how did you get in, how did you get out?” There were no other questions, “says Khardzeishvili. “I didn’t know which girl they were talking about.” They told me, ‘You killed her.’ The complaint was filed Friday night by a 36-year-old Georgian on Georgian state television (Imedi TV) from Koridallos prison, where he is being held. “Then I found out that her husband had killed her and that I was accused of theft. I have nothing to do with stealing. I only had fake documents. “

Posted by Russian Athens – Russian Athens on Tuesday, June 22, 2021

“I was tied to a chair for four days. They beat me very hard, my head was spinning. When one got tired, the other started to beat me. There were many of them. I had a concussion. There were no questions. When they brought me to Athens, they immediately started beating me. They beat me seriously. And they simply said: “Tell me, how did you kill, how did you get in, how did you get out of there?” There were no other questions, ”says Khardzeishvili.“ I didn’t know which girl they were talking about. They told me, “You killed her.”

The complaint was filed by Giorgi Khardzeishvili on Friday evening on the Georgian state television channel (Imedi TV) from Koridallos prison, where he is being held.

“Then I found out that her husband had killed her and that I was accused of stealing. I have nothing to do with stealing. I only had fake documents. “

At the moment, Khardzeishvili is consulting with a lawyer. He remains in prison for being accused of robbery. Khardzeishvili claims that he has nothing to do with these crimes:

I have never dealt with robbery. They found my DNA on some instrument, but my car was stolen before that, and they saw the instrument that was in my car.

“The Greek police and their trade unionists claim that they knew from the first moment that the husband was guilty of the murder in Glyk Nera,” comment EfSyn journalists Anta Psara and Dimitris Kanellopoulos in the June 22 issue of the newspaper. in which the front page contains material about torture

“They have been spreading this news on all TV channels for the past few days. The case was complex, and they were under pressure from above, and the investigators worked to uncover it. And although they already knew that the murderer was Caroline’s husband, for some reason for four days they tried to get a false confession from a Georgian arrested at the border, demanding him to confess that he was Caroline’s murderer.

The newspaper also recalls that Greek media such as ProtoThema, apparently following a police leak, wrote on 18 May that a 36-year-old Georgian arrested in the gardens of Evros is being taken to the prosecutor’s office today to try to extort a confession from him. At the same time publishing information that Caroline’s husband will be summoned to GADA to testify. “

Yesterday afternoon, representatives of the Georgian diaspora issued a statement in which they initially expressed condolences to the Caroline family and congratulated the police who were investigating the crime.

“We want to express our deep regret about the media coverage and ask for the state’s response. Throughout the investigation, the media continued to report suspected foreigners. Our arrested compatriot suffered deportation, received mental and physical trauma, without being convicted on any of the charges brought against him. The media coverage of the events only sparked panic and outrage, fueling hatred and racism in Greek society. We expect the Greek media to refute repeated public defamation of the Georgian community in Greece by conducting propaganda without any official information.

The Georgian Embassy in Greece also several times called on the local media to refrain from aggravating the situation and wait for the completion of the investigation.

“The Georgian Embassy in Greece immediately reacted to the incident. It was in constant contact with the local law enforcement agencies. The embassy had communication with the local media so that they refrain from aggravating the situation until the investigation is completed,” the Georgian diplomatic mission said.

For their part, the police confirmed that Khardzeishvili was “examined” by the police in the Glika Nera case, but, as she reports in her statement regarding the torture allegation, “during his detention he was examined by a doctor who thought he was healthy. and he did not ask to be sent to the hospital. “

The testimony of the beaten Georgian, as well as the strong protests of the Albanian community that the Greek media again did not miss the opportunity to cultivate with particular attention the stereotypes of “foreign criminal immigrant”, incite hatred and racism in Greek society. “They were constantly rocking the situation. This is not the first time that the police hang unsolved crimes on other violators of the law, “the representatives of the Albanian community emphasize.

A few days ago, the Greek police indicted the husband of a young woman Babis Anagnostopoulos. After eight hours of interrogation, he confessed to having killed his 20-year-old wife, Caroline Crouch, when she threatened to leave him and take their 11-month-old baby. The police had sufficient evidence and evidence of Anagnostopoulos’ guilt, so he had no choice but to confess.

The police obtained these data by analyzing the recordings of CCTV cameras, the couple’s mobile phones, the biometric clock of the murdered woman, which showed the real time of death – it did not coincide with the testimony of Anagnostopoulos himself. The pedometer in Anagnostopoulos’ mobile phone showed that while he claimed to be tied up by the robbers, he was on the move. The memory card in the security camera was removed at 01:20 am, and the robbers allegedly entered their house by four o’clock.

In the first unofficial statement that her husband made to the authorities, Babisou Anagnostopoulos toldthat around 11 May at 4:30 am, three hooded men who spoke Greek with an accent entered their house, breaking a window at the back of the cottage. The intruders then handcuffed him to a chair and began ransacking the house. He managed to move, being tied, he turned on his mobile phone (!) And called the police.

During interrogation, the 32-year-old pilot confessed that he had deceived law enforcement officers when he said that three people broke into their house with the aim of robbery, who were looking for money and jewelry, beat and strangled his wife, and tied him to a chair. The pilot admitted that he first killed his wife, and then staged a robbery scene so that the child would not be left without both parents.

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